Genealogy Blog Potluck Picnic: Creating A Family Tree To Test A Theory
Wow! Has it been a year already since the last Genealogy Blog Potluck Picnic?! Time flies. Last year, Elizabeth O'Neal of My Descendants Ancestors blog hosted the first potluck picnic on her blog. If you missed it, click here . This year she is back again as our wonderful host to the festivities. It's not too late to join in. You can check out the details for this year's event here . When you are invited to a potluck event, you are asked to bring a dish. A Genealogy Blog Potluck Picnic is no different. The theme put forth by Elizabeth O'Neal is this: Q: TELL US HOW YOU DID IT. This is a broad topic that can cover just about anything genealogy-related. The only requirement is that you explain how you did it. Well what I'm bringing to this year's potluck is this. How I created an on-line tree to test a theory I had. My theory involved a man by the name of Carolina Jones. He's someone who I stumbled across while doing research on my 2nd gre...