
Showing posts from May, 2017

Whoops! I Forgot My Blogiversary :)

Yup. That was me yesterday forgetting my blogiversary. LOL We'll just have to celebrate a day late. It's been a beautiful journey so far. In these last six years, I've made cousin connections and learned so much about my own family history. I've had the pleasure of being part of a wonderful online community of fellow genealogists and family historians. Many thanks going out to all those who have helped me on my journey. I may not be posting as often as I used to but I will continue to post. I hope you will continue to stop by from time to time to see what I've discovered.  While you're here, let's celebrate with some cupcakes. Mmmh Yummy! My most popular post of the year was somewhat of a fluke. Many of you probably followed April the giraffe and the birth of her baby.  My Daughter's Field Trip: Animal Adventure --Harpursville, NY  was a post I shared back in June 2015. It featured pictures from my daughter's class trip to the pl...

State Championships 2017

This was our little lady's first year going to USA Gymnastics State Championships. Our Level 2 gymnast performed wonderfully.  At her level there's just a team award and her group took 3rd place among small teams. What a great year you had, ladybug :) Your hard work is paying off. Floor:  9.050 Vault:  9.050 Bars:   8.200 Beam:  9.250

Happy Mother's Day!

A mother's love for her child  is like nothing  else in the world.  It knows no law, no pity, it dates all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.                                                                                                     --Agatha Christie

Slave Name Roll Project: Estate Record of Peter G Evans

The Slave Name Roll Project's objective is to record information about named slaves whenever and where ever they may be found so that African-American genealogists and family historians may break through the wall that is the 1870 census. The project was originally maintained on Schalene Dagutis's blog, Tangled Roots and Trees  but now it has it's own blog. You can learn more about the project here . While conducting research on my 3rd great grandfather Mortimer Mitchell, I came across the names of slaves listed in the estate record for Col Peter G Evans. You can read more about who Col Peter G Evans was in my post  Mortimer Mitchell Worked on the Lands of Peter G. Evans . To assist folks who are looking for their ancestors, I am sharing these names here. "North Carolina Estate Files, 1663-1979," database with images, FamilySearch ( :  21 November 2016), Peter G Evans, 1863; citing Guilford, North Carolina, ...

Anna Maria Island Vacation 2017 --Part Three

We've been back two weeks and I am just getting around to posting the rest of the pictures from our trip to Anna Maria Island, Florida.When I close my eyes and get real quiet, I find myself drifting back there. If you missed Parts One and Two, here are the links: Anna Maria Island Vacation 2017 --Part One Anna Maria Island Vacation 2017 --Part Two

Mortimer Mitchell Worked on the Lands of Peter G. Evans

Mortimer Mitchel , Hezekiah Foster (col'd) wish to hire P G Evans plantation, have worked on these about 4 years.  These words I featured in my post  Amanuensis Monday: Mortimer Mitchell Mentioned In Freedmen's Bureau Land and Property Records . If you missed that post, you may want to read that one first before continuing.  Mortimer Mitchell was my 3rd great grandfather who was born around 1835 in Martin County, NC. According to the 1870 Federal Census, Mortimer resided in Township 6, Craven County, NC that particular year. According to the land record I shared in my prior post, Mortimer's land contract on 10 acres of cleared land began around March 1864. Four years prior to this, he was working on the P G Evans plantation. Could I figure out where this plantation was located?  Col. Peter Gustavas Evans Picture is from "Histories of the several regiments and battalions  from North Carolina, in the great war 1861-'65," Edited by Walter Cla...