Looking Forward To Figuring Out This Connection

Yesterday, I featured two of the deeds of my 2nd great grand uncle Alfred Mitchell on this blog. If you missed that post, here's the link: Amanuensis Monday on Tuesday: Alfred Mitchell --Deeds #1 & #2 . On those deeds, there was a name that intrigued me to due to recent updates to my AncestryDNA connections. Before I go into that, I just want to say that I have this theory about the ancestors. Some of those folks that have crossed over I think are just chomping at the bit to get information to their living folks. I think if they find someone researching a place or person they were associated with then they figure out a way to get us to "speak their names" and get that information passed on to the right people. Lately, I have been spending a lot of time reviewing my research on my Riverdale, NC ancestors. Many of my most recent posts have featured folks who once lived in that area. Here's where it gets interesting. On yesterday's post, one of the na...