
Showing posts from May, 2014

My 3rd Blogiversary!

Image courtesy of Microsoft Office Images. Just like that and now this blog turns 3! Who knew I had so much to write about. Oh wait, the ancestors knew and they have been good to send me hints along the way of this ever amazing journey. I want to thank everyone who has supported this blog. It has been an absolute joy writing and I do sure hope you will continue to follow.  Just in case you missed any, here are some of my favorite posts from this past year.  A Little Boy's Story Not So Wordless Wednesday: You Never Know When The Tears Will Come December 26th 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks #1: Caroline Ellison Bryant And Then...That Was When I Felt It Something About Me Saturday: Apple Picking With The Family A Tale Of Two Tenors --Part one A Tale Of Two Tenors --Part two Military and Mappy Monday: Harold Murrell's National Guard Enlistment Card Where Were They?! 52 Ancestors: #11 --Annie Taylor Mitchell --The Heart Of A Family The Book Of Me: Prompt...

Finding Comfort In The Earth

Yesterday, I started the day off not really feeling like my best self and then I heard the news that we all know now that Dr. Maya Angelou had passed away. I read it online and kind of put it aside because I had housework to do and an appointment to quickly get ready for. I was already anxious and then I had this added sadness that I had to quickly push aside so I could go about getting my day going. I didn't feel right. I went to my appointment, felt the anxiety had subsided but there was that sadness I had pushed aside. Somehow after visiting with a friend, I found myself looking at flowers and vegetables over at my local Lowe's store. I felt the need to plant, to return something to the earth so I picked several vegetable plants and a tray of of marigolds (marigolds to keep the critters away.) When my kids got off the school bus, they became my assistants and quickly we weeded out the garden, tilled the soil and got to planting. When my hands touched the cool moist earth s...

52 Ancestors: #16 Sarah Jane Harris Whitney --My Maternal 2nd Great Grandmother

I am participating in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge put forth by Amy Johnson Crow of the blog No Story Too Small . If you aren't familiar with the challenge be sure to check out her blog. Last week I featured my 2nd great grandfather Samuel Whitney on this blog for my 52 Ancestors post. It seemed appropriate to follow up with his wife and my 2nd great grandmother, Sarah J Harris Whitney, this week. Image courtesy of Wikipedia {{subst:User:Dbenbenn/clm|county=Jones County|state=North Carolina|type=county}} Jones County, NC is noted in red. This is what I know of her life so far. According to her death certificate, she was born in Jones County, NC on October 11, 1866 however, an entry in the family bible which I featured here on this blog in 2012 shows her year of birth was 1859. Image from the Whitney/Harrison family bible. This 1870 and 1880 Federal censuses seem to corroborate the entry found in the family bible so 1859 is the year I have chose...

The Book Of Me: Prompt 34 --Easter Memories

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link: This week's prompt is - Easter Memories What does Easter Mean to you? A religious event? The first main break (in the UK) since Christmas and New Year A more general Spring/Autumn event Easter Bunnies Eggs Chocolate Traditions Where ever you are, and however you celebrate (or not) Easter, have a great four day break and spend time doing the things you love with the people you love! Easter means candy! I know that's terrible that that's the first thing I think of but it is honest. All my childhood memories revolve around the anticipation of getting that oh so glorious Easter basket filled with delicious treats.  When I was a child, my mother would fill our baskets with colored eggs, jelly beans, chocolate eggs, and Peeps (yellow of course). If it was an espe...

52 Ancestors: #15 Samuel Whitney --Who Or What What Were You Driving Around?

I am participating in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge put forth by Amy Johnson Crow of the blog  No Story Too Small . If you aren't familiar with the challenge be sure to check out her blog. Recently, I found a couple mentions of my 2nd great grandfather, Samuel Whitney, in old New Bern, NC newspapers that got me wondering, who or what was he driving around in his wagon? I should probably give a little background information on the man first before I show the articles so here goes.  Samuel Whitney was the father to my great grandmother  Carrie Ethel Whitney Harrison . According to his death certificate, he was born October 1856 in Hyde County, NC.  He lived there in his youth but by 1883 was residing in New Bern, Craven County, NC.  I know this because he, his future wife, and mother in law purchased land in the Dryborough area of the city in July of that year. To see a copy of that deed, check out my post  Samuel Whitney Makes A P...

The Book Of Me: Prompt 33 --Regrets

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link: This week's prompt is - Regrets Big Regrets I should (or not) have bought that large purchase Small Regrets I should (or not) have had that thick shake at MacDonalds Miscellaneous Regrets Relationships Jobs Friends Big Regrets: I am not much for regrets but there is one thing I do regret that that has been on my mind since my childhood. The summer before I turned 10 years old, my family moved from Cambria Heights, Queens, NY to Lake Ronkonkoma out on Long Island. I don't regret the move at all. It was probably the best decision my mom and dad made regarding giving their kids a better education and also an opportunity to have a "real childhood." We moved to a place where we didn't have to have bars on the windows, I could ride my bike freely ar...

Friday Funny: Harold Berel? Really!..No Really?!!

Okay, I have been all over the place lately with my research, finding a new nugget here and then finding a new nugget there. I am seriously in the throws of a Genealogy ADD run, where I can't get my brain to focus on one family line. Instead of fighting it, I have decided to just go with it, since it has been productive at finding new morsels. Two nights ago I was working on looking up information on a cousin of my paternal grandfather Harold Murrell and lo and behold I saw something that blew my mind.  In an upcoming post, I will share my connection to the Cheesman family but for now take a look at this. "United States Census, 1930," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 16 May 2014), Harold Berel in household of Herbert Cheesman, Manhattan (Districts 1001-1249), New York, New York, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 1020, sheet 20B, family 614, NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 1577. I was ...

Wordless Wednesday: Mother's Day Treasures and Some Things Just Don't Change

My favorite thing about mother's day is the wonderful handmade treasures my kids make. When I receive them, I can feel all the love, energy and effort that went into making them. These things make every part of my being smile and feel so loved. Here are this year's treasures.  This card my beautiful daughter made me: This is a coupon book she made. The coupons are for help with chores around the house, pedicure, etc. My son's card with our happy family: The other morning my little boy woke up before everyone else in the house. He curled up on the couch and went back to sleep. Some things just don't change.

Amanuensis Monday on Tuesday: Alfred Mitchell --Deed #4

If you missed my other posts that show the deeds of my 2nd great grand uncle Alfred Mitchell, here are the links: Amanuensis Monday on Tuesday: Alfred Mitchell --Deeds #1 & #2 Amanuensis Monday on Tuesday: Alfred Mitchell --Deed #3 No matter how I seem to plan I can't seem to get my Amanuensis Monday post out on Monday. Ugghh! Oh well. Here we go with it on Tuesday again. This particular deed is from January 1918 and shows a transfer of land from Mr and Mrs. C. K. Hancock, David and Mary Sampson, and Mrs. Rosa Jones to Alfred Mitchell. Mary Sampson and Rosa Jones were Alfred's sisters. State of North Carolina , Craven County.       This Deed, Made this           day of January 1918 C. K. Hancock and wife,          Hancock, David Sampson and wife, Mary Sampson, of Craven County, State of North Carolina and Rosa Jones. of   Carteret          County and State of Nort...

52 Ancestors: #14 -- Carrie Ethel Whitney Harrison --She Was So Tired.

I am participating in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge put forth by Amy Johnson Crow of the blog  No Story Too Small . If you aren't familiar with the challenge be sure to check out her blog. My great grandparents John Harrison and Carrie Whitney Harrison. I felt like it was time to tackle a different branch of the family tree. Also, it felt fitting to look at one of the strong mothers in my family tree, since it is Mother's Day weekend. Carrie Ethel Whitney Harrison pictured on the right was my maternal great grandmother.  She was born on October 11, 1897 in the city of New Bern, NC. Her parents were a Samuel D. Whitney who originated from Hyde County, NC and Sarah J. Harris of Jones County, NC. She was the youngest of her siblings. Here's 1900 Federal Census showing her family. Source Information: 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. The family resided...