
Showing posts from July, 2018

Thinking Of Janice Today

Janice Murrell is pictured on the left. Janice was on my mind and so that is who I have decided to share something about today. Janice Elaine Murrell was my father's older sister. She was a sweet and generous spirit who I have many fond memories of. Sadly, Janice passed away on December 14, 1989 after battling breast cancer. My father, Harold Murrell, gave the eulogy at the funeral. Recently, my mother came across his handwritten notes from the funeral and she passed them on to me. It's interesting seeing my father's handwriting now.   I had been on a little bit of a break from going through the things I inherited from him.  Sometimes, you need a break from the grieving process.  Sometimes, you have to take time to live life and that's what I've been doing lately.   Generosity My sister genuinely enjoyed the act of giving and doing for others. Her generosity was a legend within the family. My children Andrea and David her niece  and ...

Aerial Yoga, My Daughter, and Me

You may have noticed that I haven't been posting quite as often as I used to. Well, the main reason for this is that I am living life! I've been busy shuttling my kids to their sports practices, while squeezing time in for my own hobbies like fencing and now aerial yoga! This past Spring, my body felt like it was missing something in the exercise department. My joints felt achier and I just didn't feel quite as limber as I used to. Taking a yoga class was something I had been wanting to do for a while and so I finally just made it happen. Now, I think I am hooked. My joints aren't hurting as bad and I've definitely seen an improvement in my flexibility. My daughter overheard me talking with my husband about how much I enjoyed the class and she asked if she could try it too. So here's some pictures of us hanging around enjoying the silks :) Namaste :)

Harold Murrell Sr.'s National Guard Medals

This post goes along with my last post. If you missed that one, here's the link  Amanuensis Monday: Grandpa Murrell's National Guard Discharge Papers . I have inherited two sets of discharge papers for my paternal grandfather Harold Murrell Sr. In my last post, I featured set number one. My grandfather's first enlistment period was from 4/2/29--4/1/32. He then re-enlisted 4/2/32 and was honorably discharged on 4/2/33. The discharge paper for the 2nd period was virtually identical to the first.  Harold Murrell Sr was a Private First Class for Co. I of the 369th Infantry. Here are pictures of his medals from his time in service.

Amanuensis Monday: Grandpa Murrell's National Guard Discharge Papers

Okay, it's been a while. I had to take a break to enjoy life. My kids are growing up so fast! Everyone moment I can spend with them really counts these days because before you know it they will be up and out the house. It's been a fun summer so far. Our annual Cape Cod vacation was wonderful. If you missed the pictures, here are the links:  Cape Cod 2018 --Part One: Cape Cod 2018 --Part Two: Cape Cod 2018 --Part Three: This is a genealogy blog though, so it's about time I get back to sharing some family history. For 86 years old, I think the following papers look pretty good for their age.  These are copies of my grandfather Harold Murrell Sr.'s National Guard Discharge Papers.  National Guard of the United States and of the State of New York To all whom it may concern:      This is to certify, that Harold Murrell, Private First Class Co. "I" 369th Inf. National Guard as a testimonial of honest and faithful service is here...

Happy Birthday in Heaven Dad!

1959 Andrew Jackson High School Yearbook  Picture of Harold E Murrell There are times when I find myself smiling as I stare at my son. Sometimes, it's about something funny he just said or I am admiring how handsome he is. Then there's times when I'll see a gesture or a look that just reminds me of my dad. Above, is my dad's high school yearbook picture.  ...and here's my son. Happy Birthday in heaven Dad! Love you.

Cape Cod 2018 --Part Three:

If you missed Parts One and Two, here are the links: Cape Cod 2018 --Part One: Cape Cod 2018 --Part Two: