
Showing posts from September, 2019

I Am Loving Painting Right Now!

One of my more recent paintings I know last week I had said was going to finally get around to posting pictures from our Cape Cod trip we took back in June. I thought I should let you in on a little secret first. It's part of the reason why I've been posting less to my blog.  I am absolutely loving painting right now! Gosh, it's such a release of creative energy and it relaxes me. I feel like I finally have found the thing I had been missing in my life.  About five years ago when I was going through a little dark period, I fell in love with the work of the artist Kelly Rae Roberts. She had these little inspirational sayings on her paintings of ladies that just spoke to me. I added a few of her prints to my house, making the point of reading the words on them daily. Those little messages were like vitamins for my spirit. I've been a follower of her blog and newsletter since then. When I learned in August that she was going to begin hosting monthly art dates...

First Day of School 2019

This smiling giant is now in the 9th grade.  This is what 14 looks like.  I have to measure him but I believe he's about 6' 1" now. This young lady is now in 7th grade. She added swimming and  diving practice into her already busy schedule.   If anyone can handle it, I know she can. 

Robert Eugene Harrison

Rest In Peace  Uncle Bobby. See you on the other side. 

It's Been A While...

Well, It's been a while since I've written. Some of you out there might have been wondering is she ever coming back. The answer is yes. I've decided that my blogging journey will be perhaps a bit different now. I still love researching about my family and I still love making new discoveries and connecting with cousins. That I will continue doing. I just feel that I have to be the one driving this blog and the blog not driving me. There's a whole world out there that I've been exploring since I have taken time away from the computer and you know what, I've been enjoying myself. I've been doing a bit more painting in my spare time. When I paint, it's meditation time for me. I love the process of getting quiet and focused and just letting things out on paper or on canvas. It's a great way to relax.  As a family, we did less travel this summer. We did visit Cape Cod at the end of June. I realize now I don't think I posted any pictures from ...