Image courtesy of Wikipedia. By Bjørn Christian Tørrissen [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons I have a tendency to let my mind wonder while I am on vacation. Sometimes I wonder through my thoughts. Other times I wonder through records. When I do, I tend to do searches using a family surname and a particular birth place. Sometimes, I am lucky and find something new. Other times something I had previously overlooked is brought to my attention. It turns out I had overlooked something about my 1st cousin 3x removed George Jones. He was a war hero. George Jones was a cousin of mine from my maternal line. Here's how he's connected to me. The other night I was doing some wondering through records using the search terms of "Jones" and "Morehead City" on and came across numerous entries. Of course, I came across many familiar names since Morehead City is one of my ancestral homepl...