
Showing posts from July, 2016

If You've Been Looking For Me...

If you've been looking for me, I've been doing some traveling with the family. Life is good and don't worry I'll be posting something genealogy related soon. Just needed a little rest and relaxation. Hope all of you are having a wonderful Summer!

Something About Me Saturday: Cape Cod 2016

Sorry it's been a while. We've been back from vacation for two weeks and just now I finally found time to post these pictures. It's been busy over this way since we returned home. In between shuttling the kids to camp and gymnastics practice, I've been working on a systematic de-cluttering of our house. The end result I am so looking forward to --a more peaceful and better functioning home. I think I will probably need another vacation when it's done:)  Had a lovely time with the family on Cape Cod. You can see from the pictures that my little people aren't so little anymore.

George Jones Received The Croix de Guerre and The Bronze Star

Image courtesy of Wikipedia.  By Bjørn Christian Tørrissen [CC BY-SA 3.0 (],  via Wikimedia Commons I have a tendency to let my mind wonder while I am on vacation. Sometimes I wonder through my thoughts. Other times I wonder through records. When I do, I tend to do searches using a family surname and a particular birth place. Sometimes, I am lucky and find something new. Other times something I had previously overlooked is brought to my attention. It turns out I had overlooked something about my 1st cousin 3x removed George Jones. He was a war hero. George Jones was a cousin of mine from my maternal line. Here's how he's connected to me.  The other night I was doing some wondering through records using the search terms of "Jones" and "Morehead City" on and came across numerous entries.  Of course, I came across many familiar names since Morehead City is one of my ancestral homepl...

Something About Me Saturday: More Pictures From Father's Day Weekend

I am a bit late posting these but I wanted to be sure to share them. Here are some pictures of the family on a visit to Taughannock Falls State Park  in Trumansburg, NY. From our family to yours,  hope you  have a wonderful holiday weekend!