
Showing posts from July, 2012

Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File --Part Four

If you missed the first parts to this series, here are the links:  Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File --Part One ,  Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File --Part Two ,  Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File --Part Three . The purpose of these posts again is to share information about a Henry Bryan who's Civil War pension file I had originally purchased hoping it would show information regarding my 3rd great grandfather, Henry Bryant of Morehead City, NC. My 3rd great grandfather on the 1870 census resided in Beaufort, Carteret County, NC. It turns out that the Henry Bryan who's pension file I have actually resided in Beaufort County, NC and was single. Anyway, I thought the information that I came across could perhaps help someone someday who is searching for this particular individual who served in the 37th Regiment of the U.S.C.T.  Vols.. My last Amanuensis Monday blog post disc...

Sunday's Obituary: William Arthur Harrison Sr.

A young William Arthur Harrison Sr. pictured with his son, William Arthur Harrison Jr. William Arthur Harrison Sr. was one of my grandfather's brothers and unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to meet him before he passed away. Something wonderful that came out of my research journey has been that I've been able to connect with one of his descendants and his wife and kids. How we connected I wrote about in this series of blog posts:  A Comment Goes Unnoticed --Part one ,  A Comment Goes Unnoticed --Part two , and  Thankful Thursday: A Comment Goes Unnoticed...No Longer! There is another cousin that is out there that was made evident by this obituary --Kendria Harrison. Now this blog has been a wonderful way to connect with cousins. Maybe with a little luck  Kendria will decide to Google her name, or perhaps her maiden name because she may be married now. Or perhaps one day she will be searching for some information on her father and she w...

Wordless Wednesday: My Mom, Brother, and the Mysterious Finger :)

My Mom and Brother on the back patio of my paternal grandparent's house.  I love how in this picture it's as if the finger is pointing at them. I think the year was 1968.

Sunday's Obituary: Mary Jane Henderson Gatlin

Image courtesy of Mary Henderson Gatlin, my 2nd cousin 2x removed. Obituary from New Bern Sun Journal January 1, 1999

Mary Jane Gatlin, You Are Not Forgotten!

Image courtesy of Last night, I started to write a post and midway through it I realized my writing was just one meandering mess. I woke up at 3am and asked myself, what I am trying to say and that's when it hit me. My 2nd cousin 2 times removed, Mary Jane Gatlin was trying to tell me...Heh, What about me? Don't forget about me. Let me explain.  Mary Jane Mitchell Sampson and Rosa Mitchell Jones were sisters. Rosa Mitchell Jones was my 2nd great grandmother. The Sampson family that I knew of was as follows: Mary Jane Mitchell Sampson and David Sampson ---parents Their children: Alfred, Annie, Effie, Eva Sampson (died in infancy), and Rosa Sampson Blake. I have chronicled my findings about my Mitchells and Sampsons of Riverdale, NC in many different blog posts but I had yet to write about Mary Jane Gatlin. I didn't know her personally, but her name kept popping up in different places. I first came upon her name in the obituaries for Effie Sampson an...

Wordless Wednesday: The Murrell Brothers

My paternal grandfather, Harold Murrell, and his brother Rupert Murrell I believe this picture was taken somewhere in St Philip's Parish, Barbados. My grandfather took many trips over the years to visit family there.

Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File --Part Three

If you've missed parts one and two, here are the links: Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File --Part One  and  Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File --Part Two The purpose of these blog posts has been to get information out there, over the internet to help someone who may be in search of this Henry Bryan. He served with the 37th Regiment of the U.S.C.T. Vols. In this segment, we learn that Henry's condition has continued to deteriorate over time and even worse, his pension which he had been receiving for $12 per month was due to be reduced to $8 per month as of May 4, 1895, unless he could prove his case. Department of the Interior Bureau of Pensions, Board of Revision. Cert. No. 827.060 Present rate, $12 Name, Henry Bryan Co. K 37 Reg't U.S.C. Vol Inf.        Washington, D.C., April, 24, 1895 Sir: You are informed that the medical evidence on file in your case does not sh...

Thank Goodness For The Kindness Of Strangers --Part Two

If you missed my post from yesterday, here's the link  Thankful Thursday: Thank Goodness For The Kindness Of Strangers --Part One . Okay, yesterday was a good day. For those who are new to reading my blog, let me recap some information in regards to who the Sampsons were. My family line from the Riverdale, NC goes like this. Mortimer Mitchell and Annie Taylor Mitchell --3rd great grandparents. Their children:  Alfred Mitchell                          Maggie Mitchell Thompson                          Nancy Mitchell                          Rosa Mitchell Jones --my 2nd great grandmother                                                     who resi...

Thankful Thursday: Thank Goodness For The Kindness of Strangers --Part One.

A couple of years ago, my mother told me a story of one time when she was a teenager she made a trip to Morehead City with her mother and while there, they took a ride in the country. Now I know my mother and we have a similar sense of humor. I know when she was riding in that car she was probably thinking to herself, "Um, How much more country are we talking about here?" My mother was visiting from New York so Morehead City was looking country enough for her. Ha. Anyway, she recalled they were driving out in the woods for quite a ways and finally came to this place where two sisters lived. To her they looked "Indian" or something. They were fair skinned with freckles and with long reddish brown hair. She remembered they were petite. They were referred to as some of her "grandmother's people." She's carried this memory with her all these years and wasn't sure who they were. Today, I believe I was able to confirm who they were from the help of s...

Wordless Wednesday: Another Picture Of My Mom When She Was A Baby

My mom when she was a baby. Move over Gerber baby, looks like you have some competition here!

Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File --Part Two

If you missed Part One from last week, here's the link:  Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File -- Part One Here's another excerpt from this pension file that turns out wasn't for my own ancestor but since I have the file, I feel that I should share it's contents in hopes that it may help someone out there. Physicians Affidavit State of North Carolina County of Beaufort           in the Pension Claim of Henry Bryan, (Lali?) Private Company. K. 37th Regiment U.S.C T. Personally appeared be me a U.S. Commissioner for the Eastern district of N.C.            who post office address is Washington Beaufort County, North Carolina. Present physical condition of Henry Bryant age 55. Height 5ft 8". Weight 180lbs circumference of abdomen 34" 1/2. Cir. of chest (next two words?): 35". Pulse heart rate 60. strengths and volume of pulse good regular and does not intermit. character of hearts action...

Do You Ever Get That Feeling That Something Is Bubbling Behind The Scenes?

Something's bubbling. I don't know what, but genealogy-wise, something is definitely bubbling behind the scenes. Too many recent phone calls and emails have me wondering right now, what is about to unfold. I am in the moment of waiting..when you know something is percolating...but you just have to wait and see how things unfold. Excited but I wish I knew what was coming. This moment I am in, is what I live for. I am waiting for the reveal. Thank you in advance for those who have been helping me...guiding me in the right direction. You know who you are and I want to reiterate that I will only reveal what is agreed upon. If you don't want me to talk about you, I won't. I am in the place of just wanting to know. Wanting to know so badly what is about to be revealed. Hopefully, I will have news for readers in the next week. For right now...I am so gloriously waiting....just waiting. Microsoft Office Downloaded Image

Brother and Sister

My brother and I in 1976 My kids on vacation June 2012.

Thank You For Following My Blog!

Okay, I couldn't sleep tonight. Tried for real, but it just wasn't working, me going to bed early. There has been a song in my head all day that I haven't been able to get out. I posted earlier today, this song on my Facebook page and it has been floating in and out of my days events. But in this hour when I am not able to sleep, it is still in my head. Sometimes, I don't know why things haunt me...but this song has been haunting me all day today. Perhaps, there is someone who is supposed to take notice of this song besides me and I am merely the vehicle. I don't know what it is. I just know when I heard this song on the Oprah Winfrey Show, a  couple of years ago, that this song might help someone. And if it don't, well I'm still digging there. :)

Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File --Part One:

During my guest spot on Bernice Bennett's blog talk radio show, Research at the National Archives & Beyond, " Sharing Your Genealogy Research Through Blogging!", a caller named Michael Henderson, brought to light a very good point during the show. If you missed the show here is the link. . Michael was interested in knowing what the guests of the show did with information that they came across while researching, that wasn't related to their specific research on their own ancestors. He asked, "What do you do with that information?" I thought this was an excellent point that he brought up and it was a reminder to myself that as a researcher and a blogger, I have a responsibility to assist others as well. If you are into genealogy, you know the kindness that comes from other genealogists. Michael's question reminded me of something tha...

Moments Of Peace And Tranquility With The Family

We just returned from Cape Cod and what a truly wonderful vacation it was! I am feeling relaxed and refreshed. These are pictures of a wonderful little oasis in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Provincetown. There's a lovely home furnishing store called WA , that specializes in Asian decor and just wonderful things of a peaceful nature. Located directly behind the store down a little side alley is a beautiful little Zen Garden. What is this place? It's like a land of enchantment. So can we move here? Yeah, I'm moving here. Here fishy fishy... I think I see a big one! (sniff sniff) My babies are growing up too fast :) Happy My handsome men