
Showing posts from July, 2017

Something About Me Saturday: Fourth Of July 2017

Here's a little movie I created with pictures from the Fourth of July. This Summer is just flying by. Hope everyone out there is having fun with their families. 

Mortimer Mitchell's Neighbor Vine Allen Tolson --Part Three

If you missed Parts One and Two, here are the links: Mortimer Mitchell's Neighbor Vine Allen Tolson --Part One Mortimer Mitchell's Neighbor Vine Allen Tolson --Part Two Yeah, It's been like a month since I posted Part Two. I apologize for the delay. June quickly spun by. I had knee surgery at the beginning of the month which brought with it followup doctor's appointments and physical therapy. My kids finished school for the year and then we were quickly off to Cape Cod for a week of rest and relaxation. Then, I made a wonderful cousin connection thanks to the wonders of DNA. Next, the 4th of July was upon us.We had a little barbecue in our backyard. I've yet to post pictures from the day (Coming soon!) Lastly, I've spent a good chunk of time this month being Taxi Mom, shuttling my son to soccer camp and my daughter to gymnastics practice. Whoo! I'm pooped. No time for rest though. There's genealogy to do! In Part Two, I shared a newspaper art...

Cape Cod 2017
