
Showing posts from June, 2014

It's Cape Cod Time Again

Yes, we are enjoying ourselves on lovely Cape Cod. Lots of sun and beach. The cape is a great place for recharging the spirit. I love observing my family in action. Here are a few pictures. It was extremely hard to get pictures of my son today. He was in constant motion. He finally found his home in the water with his wakeboard. He's really grown up into a little man. More pictures tomorrow.  Hope everyone out there is enjoying their summer!

52 Ancestors: #18 Samuel David Whitney...Yes, Another Samuel Whitney

Image courtesy of Google Maps 711 Hatties Lane (formerly 711 Brown's Ave/Alley) Once was the home of Samuel David Whitney Page from the Whitney/Harrison Family Bible Shows the date of birth of Samuel David Whitney I am participating in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge put forth by Amy Johnson Crow of the blog  No Story Too Small .  If you aren't familiar with the challenge be sure to check out her blog. Yes, there's another Samuel Whitney in my family tree. Well actually he was a Samuel David Whitney and he was the brother of my maternal great grandmother, Carrie Whitney Harrison. Named after his father, he was born November 3, 1885 to his namesake and Sarah Jane Harris Whitney in New Bern, NC. He grew up alongside my great grandmother at 10 Brown's Alley in the city. I know that he was often referred to as David. This was probably to differentiate himself from his father since they resided under the same roof. The family oral history is t...

Juneteenth Junction: Paying Tribute To Augustus Whitney

Victori Bass of The Griot Gram Family History Writing Group on Facebook put forth a challenge due the week of June 18th--24th to fellow bloggers to share stories or information about our ancestors who either fought in or lived through the Civil War in honor of Juneteenth . This challenge is being called Juneteenth Junction. If you have an ancestor you would like pay tribute to, take some time out to share what you know.  Thank you Victori for suggesting such a great idea. I am paying tribute to my 2nd Great Grand Uncle, Augustus Whitney, for this post. August Whitney was the brother of my maternal 2nd great grandfather Samuel Whitney. He was born around 1840 in Hyde County, NC to a Thomas and Margaret Merritt Whitney. It is not entirely clear whether or not Augustus and his family were slaves or free prior to the start of the Civil War. On my post,  52 Ancestors: #17 Thomas Whitney--How Did You Get To Hyde County? , I wrote about Augustus's father and how my family's oral h...

Wordless Wednesday: Wait For It...

Wait for it... Splash!

The Book Of Me: Prompt 37 --Feeding The Animals

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link: Prompt 37: Feeding the Animals This week’s prompt is – Feeding the Ducks (Animals) Think back to your childhood. Did you feed the ducks? Do you remember the excitement of the event? Were you scared of the ducks? Who were you with? Do you perhaps still feed the ducks? Of course you substitute the ducks for farm animals or pets. One of my favorite memories of childhood was going with my family to take my older brother to sleep away camp in Pennsylvania. I think this particular memory occurred when he went to a place called Harmony Heart Camp. I had to have been about four or five years old. I'll have to ask my brother when I get a chance if I am right about the age. Anyway, I remember getting out of my parents car and walking over to where there was this wooden fen...

The Book Of Me: Prompt 36 --Your Year

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link: This week's prompt is - Your Year This week the prompt is in two parts: Think back over your life. Which year was “your year” in terms of happy, special and treasured events? Think back over your life. Which year was absolutely not “your year” Thing in terms of health, wealth, happiness or a degree of sadness, back luck and years when you simply wish you could go back and relive or redo something. I would say that "My Year" was April 2004--March 2005. That was year that it seems like the stars aligned and it was decided that I would become a mother. My then boyfriend and I took a terrific trip to Las Vegas, just the two of us. Man it seems like ten thousand years ago now that I'm sitting here writing this. Well we had a really good time, if ya know what I m...

Happy Father's Day Sweetie!

Happy Father's Day To My Dear Sweet Husband! Love you, sweetie :)

52 Ancestors: #17 Thomas Whitney--How Did You Get To Hyde County?

Collage created by Andrea Kelleher. Top right image:  City of New Bern Map, courtesy of the Library of Congress.  Middle right image, Hyde county map, courtesy of the US Census website. I am participating in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge put forth by Amy Johnson Crow of the blog  No Story Too Small . If you aren't familiar with the challenge be sure to check out her blog. Life got kind of busy in my household last week so I didn't get a chance to write a post for this challenge. Today at last I have a bit of quiet so here goes. My last 52 Ancestors post was regarding my 2nd great grandfather Samuel Whitney who was born in Hyde County, NC. To continue on with this family line, I'm picking up with Samuel's father, Thomas Whitney. My 3rd great grandfather, Thomas Whitney, was born sometime between 1805 and 1820 based on information found on the U. S. Federal Census. Now where he was born is up for questioning. The census shows him resid...

Wordless Wednesday: My Grandparents At A Party

This picture is from my mother's collection. My mother's parents are the first one's seated on the left and right at the table. It appears me to be possibly a wedding reception since it looks like the couple standing in the middle are about to cut a cake. Everyone is certainly dressed to nines.

My Gymnastics Champs :)

Another year of gymnastics comes to a close. Love my champions :)

The Book Of Me: Prompt 35 --Aunts and Uncles

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link: . This week's prompt is - Aunts and Uncles Did you have Aunts and Uncles? Did you know any of your Great Aunts and Uncles? Did you have people that you called Aunt and Uncle, yet there was no blood connection at all? In fact, does that even matter? So this week, tell us those about those people whose names appear within our family history and perhaps you even had a favorite or two? Did you have Aunts and Uncles? Yes and gosh do I miss the ones that have passed on. My childhood was filled with the joy of having extended family living nearby. Now I did not have many aunts and uncles. My father's parents had two children, my dad and my wonderful aunt Janice My aunt Janice and my dad. Janice Murrell was a delightful woman. She was smart and funny. She loved to l...