What A Great Resource! Slave Deeds Index At The New Hanover County Register Of Deeds

I have been a little scatter brained lately when it comes to my research. I should have a plan but...blah blah blah you know how it is. Sometimes, I just can't stop myself from searching for something shiny and new on one of my ancestors. This is how I came across this particular clue for my 3rd great grandfather, Jacob Kerr of Sampson County, NC. You can read more about Jacob in these posts: 52 Ancestors 2015 Edition: #11 My Paternal 3rd Great Grandfather Jacob Kerr Where There's A Will, There Is A Way: Jacob's Kerr's Will Information found in Slave Deeds of New Hanover County - Series Two, Volume One Doc # 3043 Grantor: Herring, John Amount: $500.00 Grantee: Kerr, James Div: 2 Enslaved Person(s): Bur, Jacob I gasped when I saw this the other night. If you are into family history, you know what I'm talking about. It's that feeling of oh my goodness. What have I discovered here. Is it? Could this r...