If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link: http://www.anglers-rest.net/book-of-me-written-by-you.html . Prompt 43: Emigration, Migration, and Immigration This week’s prompt is – Emigration, Migration, and Immigration Have you ever lived overseas from your place of birth? Would you want to? Could you? Did your ancestors or even a more recent generation? Do you feel akin to another Country from that in which you were born? If so have you found any ancestral links in your research that perhaps explains those feelings? As always share (or not) examples, photographs and perhaps events or rationale I have never lived overseas. I have to be honest, I don't really think I would want to. I would get too homesick. That's not to say that I wouldn't mind visiting someplace perhaps for two or three weeks. My paternal grandfather, Harold Murrell, immigrated to the Un...