
Showing posts from July, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Swim Kids

Kids are having a blast this summer with swim lessons. They both can now swim better than me. I love this shot with the two of them and how my ladybug is stealing a glance back at me. 

Ole' School Blog Challenge: The West Street Graded School

West Street Graded School From "The Planet" 1915, Vol. 1 No. 1 Image courtesy of the New Bern-Craven Public Library I have to send a huge shout out and thanks to Victori Bass of the Griot Gram Family History Group on Facebook for coming up with the "Ole' School" blog challenge this month. The idea was to choose an ancestor and find out where they obtained their education. Well, by signing up for this challenge and researching information regarding the school where some of my Whitney and Harrison ancestors went to school in New Bern, NC, I made an amazing discovery. So you know I did some Googling and came across some helpful information. First, here's a little bit about the West Street Graded School that I found in an article that was written by Arabelle Bryant and was featured in the April 17, 2010 edition of the New Bern Sun Journal. Prior to 1905 there was a wooden structure on West Street which was the school for black students. This struc...

The Book Of Me: Prompt 43 --Emigration, Migration, and Immigration

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link: . Prompt 43: Emigration, Migration, and Immigration This week’s prompt is – Emigration, Migration, and Immigration Have you ever lived overseas from your place of birth? Would you want to? Could you? Did your ancestors or even a more recent generation? Do you feel akin to another Country from that in which you were born? If so have you found any ancestral links in your research that perhaps explains those feelings? As always share (or not) examples, photographs and perhaps events or rationale I have never lived overseas. I have to be honest, I don't really think I would want to. I would get too homesick. That's not to say that I wouldn't mind visiting someplace perhaps for two or three weeks.  My paternal grandfather, Harold Murrell, immigrated to the Un...

Those Places Thursday: Seeing Through The Eyes Of My Ancestors

I love Ebay finds! While I was vacationing on Cape Cod a couple of weeks ago, I purchased these two photographs which show the city of New Bern, NC circa 1895. Many of my Harrison and Whitney ancestors would have seen these views. It's pretty cool being able to see the city as they would have seen it. There was a third photograph I wanted to purchase but unfortunately it went for way more than I wanted to spend. It was a picture of the Masonic Theater in New Bern from around 1895.  Oh well, at least I have these two. 

52 Ancestors: #19 What Did Church Mean For Rev. Thomas Duke Harrison?

It's been awhile, but yes I am still participating in  the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge put forth by Amy Johnson Crow of the blog  No Story Too Small . If you aren't familiar with the challenge be sure to check out her blog.  I am a bit behind on this prompt but I figure, I will just keep doing the best I can about getting these posts out there. It's summertime and it's been challenging to carve out time during the day to blog. This particular post I have had sitting in my draft section in Blogger going on two weeks. Finally, I said to myself enough is enough. Let me just get this thing out there.  What did church mean for Thomas Duke Harrison? I have often wondered about this. What church means to me is spirituality and connection to those around me.  For him, it had to mean so much more though.  According to his death certificate, he was born December 25, 1880 but based on information provided on Thomas's marriage license to a Mar...

The Book Of Me: Prompt 42 --Handwriting

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link: . This week's prompt is - Handwriting Add to your Book of Me an example of your handwriting. Share some examples of your ancestors - parents, Grandparents, etc Has your handwriting changed over time? Perhaps include some samples of younger generations? In this digital age our descendants will marvel at our handwriting for very different reasons when compared to us marvelling at our ancestors handwriting. We take for granted that we can probably write. That in the past was not a given right. Here's a sample of my handwriting from when I was a kid.  It's from a card I made for my paternal grandmother.  And yes my handwriting has changed a bit from then. It's now messier. Only kidding :) Here are some handwriting samples from a few of my ancestors. ...

Flashback Friday: Pictures From A Vacation Past.

Something made me take a trip down memory lane last night and I reviewed through tons of pictures I have saved to Dropbox. I had forgotten I had taken these pictures a couple of years ago when the family and I visited Pass A Grille, Florida. We have lots of good memories of that trip. It's nice be able travel back to that place and time through pictures.  Perhaps I'll dig up old pictures and post them on Fridays. Maybe I'll make this a regular theme. We'll see.