
Showing posts from 2019

I Am Loving Painting Right Now!

One of my more recent paintings I know last week I had said was going to finally get around to posting pictures from our Cape Cod trip we took back in June. I thought I should let you in on a little secret first. It's part of the reason why I've been posting less to my blog.  I am absolutely loving painting right now! Gosh, it's such a release of creative energy and it relaxes me. I feel like I finally have found the thing I had been missing in my life.  About five years ago when I was going through a little dark period, I fell in love with the work of the artist Kelly Rae Roberts. She had these little inspirational sayings on her paintings of ladies that just spoke to me. I added a few of her prints to my house, making the point of reading the words on them daily. Those little messages were like vitamins for my spirit. I've been a follower of her blog and newsletter since then. When I learned in August that she was going to begin hosting monthly art dates...

First Day of School 2019

This smiling giant is now in the 9th grade.  This is what 14 looks like.  I have to measure him but I believe he's about 6' 1" now. This young lady is now in 7th grade. She added swimming and  diving practice into her already busy schedule.   If anyone can handle it, I know she can. 

Robert Eugene Harrison

Rest In Peace  Uncle Bobby. See you on the other side. 

It's Been A While...

Well, It's been a while since I've written. Some of you out there might have been wondering is she ever coming back. The answer is yes. I've decided that my blogging journey will be perhaps a bit different now. I still love researching about my family and I still love making new discoveries and connecting with cousins. That I will continue doing. I just feel that I have to be the one driving this blog and the blog not driving me. There's a whole world out there that I've been exploring since I have taken time away from the computer and you know what, I've been enjoying myself. I've been doing a bit more painting in my spare time. When I paint, it's meditation time for me. I love the process of getting quiet and focused and just letting things out on paper or on canvas. It's a great way to relax.  As a family, we did less travel this summer. We did visit Cape Cod at the end of June. I realize now I don't think I posted any pictures from ...

Happy Birthday In Heaven, Dad!

Although you aren't here physically, I can definitely feel your presence, dad. You would be pleased to know that your grandson is a chip off the old block. He's built like you when you were young. He has broad shoulders and muscle. Even mom commented on how Noah has your calves. He's about six feet tall now. You would be pleased to know that your watch fits him perfectly now.  Happy Birthday In Heaven, Dad! Miss you.

Happy Father's Day In Heaven, Dad!

Happy Father's Day In Heaven, Dad! Love you. 

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my lovely husband and to all the wonderful dads out there. Make some memories today :)

Amanuensis Monday: Charity Ambrose Deed to Mt. Olive Methodist Church

At last, some genealogy right?!! LOL. I decided to jump back into things with an Amanuensis Monday post. I have to thank a fellow genealogy friend of mine who helped me out a couple of months ago, Nathaniel Glasgow. He brought to my attention a deed which documents the sale of about an acre land from a woman named Charity Ambrose  to the trustees of Mt. Olive AME Zion Church in Riverdale, NC. Guess who's listed among the trustees. My maternal 3rd great grandfather and his son, Mortimer and Alfred Mitchell.  State of North Carolina}      Craven County This deed made this 6th day of November in the year 1893 by Charity Ambrose of the first part of Craven County, and Mortimer Mitchell, Charles F. Hall, Anthony Dennis,  Edward Hooker, Killis Green, David Sampson, Phillis Borden, Ezekial Pastuer, and A. F. Mitchell of Craven County and State of North Carolina of the second part , Trustees of the Mt. Olive Church, African Methodist Episocpal Zion Ch...

Spring Concerts

It's that time of the year again. That's right, Spring concerts. Both kids demonstrated their viola playing skills in concert. They have come a long way since the days of playing songs like "Hot Cross Buns." Sometimes, I just can't get over how much they've grown up.

LOL! Yup, I Forgot My Blogiversary Again.

LOL! Yup, I did it again. That's three years in a row I've forgotten my blogiversary.. That's all right. Life has been beautifully busy. You probably have noticed that I haven't posted in a while. I decided that I needed to take a break from posting to just live. You know what it's been a blessing. I feel refreshed. I began this blog on May 30, 2011 to document my genealogy findings regarding my family. So many stories and people I have discovered along the way. Every story has taught me something. My first post, Okay...Here We Go! LOL  was an example of me taking a leap of faith. Trying something new can be incredibly scary. A journey however begins by taking a single step and so I began.  So many steps later, here I stand. I may not write as often but believe me, I am still researching and making discoveries. I love genealogy and that will always be a part of me.  What's great about a blog is that you can go back and revisit the places you've bee...

Anna Maria Island 2019

Well, I've fallen off keeping up with my blog again. What's different this time is that I am not going to beat myself up for it. Life is about living and I've been doing a lot of that lately. I've been spending a lot of quality time with the family. The kids have doing wonderfully in their individual sports. After a busy season of games and competitions, the hubby, kids, and I are now enjoying some sun, fun and most importantly relaxation in Anna Maria Island, Florida. This is some much needed downtime. Here are some pictures from our vacation.

World Class Spring Challenge 2019

I am so behind on posting these pictures. It's been a busy competition season for our kids, with Noah and soccer and Alyssa with gymnastics. Every weekend it's been busy with something related to one or both kids. I am not complaining though. It's been an absolute joy being able to see them compete.  Here's some pictures from the World Class Spring Challenge that took place on March 2, 2019 in Clifton Park, NY. Results Bars:  8.150 Beam: 9.050 Vault: 9.425 Floor: 9.325 All Around: 35.950 3rd place! Team results: 2nd place! I am on vacation so can I now take some time out to play catch up on my blog. Hooray! I'll be posting more later today or tomorrow.