Genealogy Blog Party --Stories of Love: Ethel Was Sweet On Harold
If you are not familiar with the Genealogy Blog Party hosted by Elizabeth O'Neal on her blog My Descendant's Ancestors, be sure to check it here . This month's theme: TELL A STORY OF LOVE I believe this picture fits the bill. Here's a picture of my paternal grandfather Harold Murrell Sr. looking particularly dapper. It's from a collection of photos I recently inherited from my father. I think the the story of love you will find on the back. Gee, It's grand to be loved by a person like Harold. He's my weakness and I am not ashamed to confess that I am madly in love with him. My grandmother Ethel Smith Murrell was the author of these words. I believe this picture was taken when my grandparents were courting. Now, how sweet is that! You can read more about my paternal grandparents Harold and Ethel Murrell here .