
Showing posts from 2016

December Picture Post-A-Thon: One Mathalon and Two Concerts

My son joined his school's math club this year and competed in the BAE Systems Mathalon. Math clubs from area schools gathered and competed against each other. My son's team didn't win but it was a great experience for him. All those who competed received a participation certificate. The next pictures are from my kids holiday concerts. Both play viola while my daughter sings in chorus as well. They both did a beautiful job! If you missed my other December Picture Post-A-Thon posts here are the links:   December Picture Post-A-Thon Begins: Vegas 2016 December Picture Post-A-Thon Continues: Fall 2016 Apple Picking

December Picture Post-A-Thon Continues: Fall 2016 Apple Picking

Back on December 9th, I featured a post called  December Picture Post-A-Thon Begins: Vegas 2016 . I had a grand plan to follow up every day after that with a blog post of pictures that I forgot to share from 2016. Well, things got kind of busy this way and we are at December 27th with my first follow up to that post. Anyway, I hope everyone who celebrated Christmas had a wonderful holiday. Here are some pictures from the Fall, when we visited Russell Farms in Brackney, PA.

Merry Christmas!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy your family. Enjoy your friends. Make lots of special memories. 

Dear Genea Santa, What I'd Like Most For Christmas...

If you are not familiar with the Genealogy Blog Party, be sure to stop over to host Elizabeth O'Neal's blog Little Bytes of Life to learn more. For the December Genealogy Blog Party, the theme is to share your Christmas wish list. What will you ask Genea-Santa for this year? Dear Genea Santa, What I'd Like Most For Christmas would be able to break down a brick wall regarding one of my Sampson County, NC ancestors. Specifically, I'd like to figure out who were the parents of my paternal 2nd great grandmother Tina Jane Murphy Kerr? Do I have any theories, ideas or notions? Sure I do. What I'm working on now is ...Proof! I should however share with you a little bit of what I know thus far regarding Tina. In my post,  Great Grandma's Name Was Ella. After That It Gets Complicated , I shared that I finally had discovered the name of my 2nd great grandmother despite not having much information regarding the life of her daughter Ellen "Ella" K...

Something About Me Saturday: Making Candy Sushi With My Daughter

That's candy sushi folks. That's right. Candy sushi. Just another reason why I haven't been posting as often this year. I'm trying my darnedest these days to live a balanced life.  Balanced means living presently and spending quality time with the family. Quality time includes learning how to make candy sushi because my daughter really wants to make candy sushi with me. So we cued up this video by  iHasCupquake  on YouTube one September weekend and learned how to make candy sushi.  Here's two pictures of my daughter's delicious creations. Okay, well I'm responsible for a couple of them but the majority were definitely her doing.

December Picture Post-A-Thon Begins: Vegas 2016

You know what I recently realized? There's a whole bunch of pictures from this year on my phone that I haven't shared yet. I mean there's our family trip to Vegas from August that I completely forgot to post. So here's a little Vegas in December. Looking at these pictures now helps warm me up a bit from the 30 degree temperature outside my window.