
Showing posts from May, 2018

Unexpected Medicine

I find it kind of fitting that I stumbled upon the ending of the movie Garden State last night. It was a dose of unexpected medicine. I was thinking about my dad while writing another post and bam it just jumped out at me while channel surfing. There's a scene towards the end of the movie when Zach Braff's character has a truly honest conversation with his father.  This is my life, Dad. This is it. I've spent 26 years waiting for something else to start. So, no, I don't think it's too much to take on, because it's everything there is. I see now it's all there is. You and I are gonna be okay. You know that, right? We may not be as happy as you always dreamed we would be, but for the first time let's just allow ourselves to be whatever it is we are, and that will be better, okay? I think that will be better. Our relationship was perhaps not as open as I would have liked. Pop was better at communicating with the folks he worked with than with the pe...

Janice Murrell --My Father's Sister: Part Two

If you missed part one, click here . Here's today's round of memorabilia for my Aunt Janice. I am still working on organizing all this stuff I inherited. Stuff is all mixed up---pictures, documents, and other paperwork for my grandma and grandpa Murrell and their daughter, Janice. Yes, the Knickerbocker hospital was a real hospital. It was located at 70 Convent Ave and the corner of west 131st in Harlem. The building still exists but it now houses the M. Moran Weston seniors' residence. You can read more about the Knickerbocker hospital here. Image courtesy of Google Images. The M. Moran Weston seniors' residence building formerly known as the Knickerbocker Hospital. Trinity Episcopal Church where Janice was confirmed is located at 698 E 166th St, Bronx, NY Image courtesy of Google Maps. Here's the chuch and it's location in relation to the Murrell home, 970 Tinton Ave.  Image courtesy of Google Maps. ...

52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks 2018 Edition: #12 Janice Murrell --My Father's Sister

If you are not familiar with the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Blog Prompt Series hosted by fellow blogger Amy Johnson Crow, please take a moment and check out the link here: Still playing catch up with these prompts. One day, I hope to get all  caught up.  W eek 14: Maiden Aunt:  Write about one of your maiden aunts from your family tree. My Aunt Janice was a fun lady. Losing my father earlier this year, has made me reflect on those who passed on before him. I miss the sound of Janice's laughter. When she laughed, she laughed with her whole being. I miss that. I miss those fun times we had together going to the movies or seeing a Broadway show. She was my fun Aunt who worked for NYNEX in one of the original towers of the World Trade Center. I miss eating at a restaurant called The Big Kitchen that was in the basement of the North Tower. My aunt used to take my brother and I there for lunch. It was a fun ...

Flower Festival 2018

I have been so busy lately, that I've barely had time to keep up with my poor neglected blog. Oh well. It has been the good kind of busy though. (Doing things with the family.) Here's some photos from daughter's last gymnastics competition. She competed in Fishkill, NY at the Flower Festival hosted by Dutchess County Gymnastics on April 14, 2018. We are so proud of our girl and her teammates. Floor Routine Beam Routine Results for the day: Vault:  8.700 Bars:  8.375 Beam:  8.675 Bars:  9.125 All Around:  34.875 What better way to celebrate the day than with a big cookie!

52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks 2018 Edition: #13 The Old Homestead: 1400 Fisher St.

If you are not familiar with the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Blog Prompt Series hosted by fellow blogger Amy Johnson Crow, please take a moment and check out the link here: Week 13:  The Old Homestead:   This week's theme was to highlight a home where either you or one of your ancestors once resided in. I decided to reshare a post I wrote a few years ago about my great grandparents house, the Bryant family home in Morehead City, NC. The following section I initially shared back on June 27, 2015 I have visited and been inside the home that belonged to my maternal great grandparents, Frank and Ophelia Bryant. The house is located at 1400 Fisher St in Morehead City, NC. The land was initially purchased by Ophelia's parents Alexander Hamilton Jones and Rosa Mitchell Jones in the early 1900's. Ophelia and Frank married in 1911 and by 1920 were able to build the house they would raise 7 children in. This ...