Once Upon a Time in Morehead City......

When I started my tree, I was so interested in seeing how fast and how far back I could go. I was interested in names and dates and then seeing names and dates that came before the next person. In the last year my focus has been fleshing out these names and turning them into people. What were their lives like? How did they get here? On my maternal line I have been blessed to find out so much due to the fact, the family stayed in Morehead City and New Bern predominantly.

My wonderful grandmother, Mary Cole Bryant Horton (July 22, 1922--Aug 7, 2001) was born in the town of Morehead City, NC. She was one of 7 children and had 3 sisters and 3 brothers. They lived in a house that was on land the family had owned since 1907. Her parents were Ophelia T Jones (Nov 20,1894--Feb 20,1939) and Frank Linmore Bryant (Oct 6 1890--Dec 20, 1953)

Grandma and me.

Frank Bryant

 Ophelia Jones Bryant

    I feel blessed to have these pictures. When speaking to my friends and especially those who are of African American descent, so many don't have pictures of their great grandparents. So many of my friends don't know anything about their great grandparents. It is so important that families talk about this stuff. Life can be busy and full of distractions but it is so important that everyone out there sit down and begin the conversation in your own homes about family history. Good, bad or indifferent....pass what you know on to the next generation. Everyone has a right to know where they came from.  The information empowers the person who carries it. They will gain insight on family relationships, why they are the way they are.




  1. I enjoyed reading your lovely heartfelt post. Good luck with your search, regards Sharn

  2. Very true. Share what you know and learn what you can.

  3. I truly enjoyed these photos. You are correct about the lack of photos in African-American families. My husband never knew his grandparents, who lived in North Harlowe, and we didn't get a photo of his grandmother until about six or seven years ago. We are told that there were many family treasures hiding within the walls of the boarded up homeplace. You can see the photos of it on my blog. Keep up the good work!


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