Something About Me Saturday: Making Candy Sushi With My Daughter

That's candy sushi folks. That's right. Candy sushi. Just another reason why I haven't been posting as often this year. I'm trying my darnedest these days to live a balanced life.  Balanced means living presently and spending quality time with the family. Quality time includes learning how to make candy sushi because my daughter really wants to make candy sushi with me. So we cued up this video by iHasCupquake on YouTube one September weekend and learned how to make candy sushi. 

Here's two pictures of my daughter's delicious creations. Okay, well I'm responsible for a couple of them but the majority were definitely her doing.

Something About Me Saturday:  Making Candy Sushi With My Daughter --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

Something About Me Saturday:  Making Candy Sushi With My Daughter --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey


  1. Balance is good. Cannot imagine how those blue candy shushis taste :)

    1. I ate like one piece of what I made and that was about all the sugar I could handle. She ate only a couple but loved how everything turned out.

  2. Your daughter is a creative soul. How wise of you to prioritize making candy sushi with her. You are making memories that will sustain her always. And you, too.

    1. Her creativity amazes me. She's definitely a far better artist than I ever was. I am enjoying the time spent with her.


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