Wordless Wednesday: Thanksgiving At Grandma and Grandpa's House

My Grandmother Ethel Murrell
Just love her smile!

My Grandpa Harold Murrell

I have so many fond memories of going to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving. Best meals of my life. My grandmother could cook! I couldn't help but think of her as I was home today, attempting to make rolls for tomorrow's dinner. I know mine don't quite stack up to hers but I love making them because I feel like she's right there in the kitchen with me. I miss them dearly.


  1. I agree with you, your grandmother does have a beautiful smile.

  2. Your grandmother has such a welcoming, loving smile. Oh how precious she is. Your grandfather looks like he ate pretty well and contemplating if he should eat desert or take a nap.

  3. Thanks Yvette. You described things pretty accurately. Thanks Linda.


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