A Look Back At 2013

Happy New Year again! I thought it might be a good time to take a look back at some of my favorite posts from the past year. Over the holidays, I hope that all of my readers had time to make a memory or two with those they hold to special to their hearts. 

So without further ado, here's a look at my favorite 12 of 2013.

These first two posts are special to me because they are a reminder that something that presents itself randomly may not in fact be random at all. I am a believer that sometimes the ancestors may give you a little nudge from the other side. 

1) There Are No Coincidences! 
2) Thankful Thursday: So Thankful Again For The Help  

3) Thankful Thursday: We Met At Last!  This post was about connecting with relatives linked to my maternal grandfather's brother William Arthur Harrison Sr. Thank you Erika, Kiira, and Eloise for making that day so special. 

4)Wordless Wednesday: A Smile Comparison --Comparing my daughter's photo with my paternal grandmother's reveals they share the same smile.

5) The Earrings --A look at the will of my 2nd great grandmother Jonas Bryant.

6)  Fearless Females Blog Post: Best Advice From My Mom--Advice from my mom. She is simply the best!  Love you Mommy.

7)  Sunday's Obituary: Dr. Oscar Dunn Jones --This one is special because it led to my cousin Jane finding me on-line.  This obituary was for her grandfather.  Just reminds me, you never know who's looking for the information you know. Share it. Get it out there. It may lead to amazing connections. 

8)Amanuensis Monday: Check This Guy Out ---William H. Goodrich --While researching some of my cousin Jane's ancestors, I came across this gentleman. What amazing travels he made!

9) And Then...That Was When I Felt It --Describes the moment I realized how hard it must have been for my step-grandmother when her first husband was killed in action. 

10) Reveling In This Moment --A post that talks about how finding information about your ancestors is comparable to putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

11)Thankful For These Moments With My Kids --This one features pictures of my kids at one of there favorite places. I realize how quickly they are growing up on me so I am trying to savor these moments now.

12) Thankful Thursday: Friends On Facebook Are Extremely Helpful --Kind folks that I met via Facebook shared information about my great grandfather. From this event, I was able to connect with his next door neighbor.

To be honest, it was hard to pick a few out of the bunch. Last year I completed a total of 183 posts.  Now for 2014, I don't know if I will be able to keep up with that pace, but we will see what happens.

On a final note make sure you check out the AAGSAR Blog Fest 2014. It was created by Luckie Daniels of the blog Our Georgia Roots.  Over 25 new African American Genealogy blogs were launched. Click on the link to Our Georgia Roots and you will see the list. Please lend your support to these new blogs. Leave a comment or words of encouragement. Spread the word!


  1. I've enjoyed your writing all year long! Happy New Year for more Great stories.

    1. Thanks True for your continued support! Your work is amazing. Wishing you another year of great story telling. :)

  2. Happy New Year Andrea! I especially enjoyed the one about the search being like a puzzle. It sure is!

  3. Happy New Year Andrea & thanks for the very kind mention! I'm still recovering but #BLOGFEST2014 was quite an Ancestor experience! Make sure to visit the blogs who made their debut - http://aagsaryougotroots.wordpress.com/new-kids-on-the-blog. Best to you & yours!:)

    1. Thanks Luckie! Happy New Year to you and yours as well. I've checked out all blogs and commented on several. My blog reader is packed with stuff to read...and that's a good thing. Looking forward to seeing how all these wonderful family stories unfold.


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