52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2018 Edition: #8 Heirloom -- Grandma Mary Horton's China

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2018 Edition:  #9 Heirloom -- Grandma Mary Horton's China --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

If you are not familiar with the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Blog Prompt Series hosted by fellow blogger Amy Johnson Crow, please take a moment and check out the link here:  https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/52-ancestors-in-52-weeks/

Week 8: Heirloom
Is there a special item that's been passed down in your family?

Pictured above are pieces from a set of china I received upon my grandmother Mary Bryant Harrison Horton's passing.

I love this set! It is decorated with beautiful pink carnations and gold trim. If I am having a family gathering, I try to use this set. It's a way for us to share the occasion with my sweet grandma. 

Another heirloom I treasure that once stood atop the piano at grandma Mary's house is a statue of two hands holding a dove. I featured a picture of it on this blog before in this post, Sentimental Sunday: These Artifacts Are My Time Machines. In the same post, I also wrote about two cat figurines that used to belong to my grandmother Ethel Smith Murrell .

**This post was originally featured on this blog on June 23, 2015


  1. That china is beautiful! I haven't inherited any sets of china, just some saucers from my maternal grandmother.


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