52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks 2018 Edition: #9 Robert Ellison's Will

52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks 2018 Edition:  #9 Robert Ellison's Will --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

If you are not familiar with the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Blog Prompt Series hosted by fellow blogger Amy Johnson Crow, please take a moment and check out the link here:  https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/52-ancestors-in-52-weeks/

Week 9: Where There's a Will
I've been asked if this theme means a will (as in the probate document) or will (as in being determined or strong minded). My answer is: Yes. :-) Use this prompt however you are inspired to. Maybe you've come across an interesting will. Explain it like you would to a non-genealogist. What story does it reveal? You could write about an ancestor who was determined to do something. (Or maybe you have an ancestor named Will!)

I am taking a break from going through some of my father's things to share something from another branch of my family tree. Robert Ellison was my maternal 3rd great grand uncle. His sister, Caroline Ellison Bryant, was my 3rd great grandmother. For a clearer picture of how I am connected to Robert Ellison, take a look at the following chart. 

Robert Ellison was born in Beaufort County, NC in December of 1859 to my 4th great grandparents Benjamin Ellison and Rosetta Ellison. He married Sarah Britt on February 8, 1893 in Snow Hill, NC. The couple didn't have any children together and lived out their days in Snow Hill. 

Robert died sometime in mid to late 1925. Before his death he composed this will.

52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks  2018 Edition:  #9 Robert Ellison's Will --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

Image courtesy of Ancestry.com. 
Source InformationAncestry.com. North Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, 1665-1998 
[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: North Carolina County, District and Probate Courts.

Snow Hill Greene Co. N.C.

April Friday the 10th 1925

I Robert B. Ellison In my sound mind & certainty of Death I Hear By make my last will and this one revokes all others prior to this. Now I Hear by Will Fort 1st that Johnnie Mae Harper to have Sallie My Wife's Bed and its contents consists of the Largest Bed & Largest Pillows 2 sheets, 2 quilts, one Blanket. 

2nd I Robert B. Ellison wants and Hear By Will to Ada Ellison to Have my Bed and its contents,

and the Remainder of my House & kitchen Furniture to be equal divided between these named Parties Here in appear

1st Pearl S. Harper wife of John H. Harper
2nd Ada Ellison 
3rd  & Sarah Suggs wife of Preston Suggs
    3rd is my House and Lot
I Hear By Will to These 3 three
Parties Hear in and Above mention.

Sign  Robert B Ellison
Witness {M. C. Shepherd
             {J. E. Blount

Johnnie Mae Harper and Sarah Suggs were nieces of Robert's wife Sarah Britt Ellison. Ada Ellison was Robert's niece. I would imagine that "Sallie" that's mentioned here is referring to possibly a horse or cow. 


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