Thinking Of Janice Today

Thinking Of Janice Today --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Janice Murrell is pictured on the left.

Janice was on my mind and so that is who I have decided to share something about today. Janice Elaine Murrell was my father's older sister. She was a sweet and generous spirit who I have many fond memories of.

Sadly, Janice passed away on December 14, 1989 after battling breast cancer. My father, Harold Murrell, gave the eulogy at the funeral. Recently, my mother came across his handwritten notes from the funeral and she passed them on to me. It's interesting seeing my father's handwriting now.  I had been on a little bit of a break from going through the things I inherited from him. Sometimes, you need a break from the grieving process. Sometimes, you have to take time to live life and that's what I've been doing lately. 

Thinking Of Janice Today --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey


My sister genuinely enjoyed the act of giving and doing for others.

Her generosity was a legend within the family. My children Andrea and David her niece and nephew were a source of great joy and happiness to her. 

Every Christmas and every birthday she would shower them with shopping bags full of presents. 

When I would say to her, "Janice you're giving them too much you're going to spoil them," she would listen patiently, smile, and then say "They are good kids and they deserve the best that I can give them. 

Thinking Of Janice Today --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey


My sister was deeply devoted to our parents and fiercely proud of being the daughter of Harold and Ethel Murrell.

She once said to me that she and I were rich beyond measure. When I asked her, how so, she said that we had been raised with love and support by two caring and loving parents and that this upbringing provided us with a richness that could never be lost or taken from us. 

In recent years our parents suffered illnesses and infirmities of age. It is my deep belief that it was my sister's love, caring and devotion which brought our parents safely through each crisis. 

Janice was all that any parent could have wished for in a daughter. 

Thinking Of Janice Today --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

Courage and Caring 

The last year of Janice's life was difficult. When the cancer was diagnosed, she knew and understood that her chances for overcoming it were not good. She faced that hard reality with a quiet courage and great strength. 

There were days when she or suffered after effects of chemo and radiation therapy and yet her spirit never wavered or flagged.

She continued to her concern and caring for others even during the height of her difficult time. Her concern as always was for our parents. 

Were they getting enough rest

Were they taking their medication 

How was her niece Andrea doing in school

How was her nephew David doing on his job

How was my wife Brenda feeling.

Thinking Of Janice Today --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

During her last hospitalization I would visit her after work and on Sunday. There would always come a time during the visit when she would virtually chase me from the room and send me home. She would say that the evenings and weekends belonged to my family and that I should be spending that time with them. 

Janice believed that life has a measure of sorrow and heartache for each of us but that we must trust in God and reach within ourselves for the strength he has placed there and fight to overcome our suffering. However in doing so we must never become so focused on our own pain that we cease reaching out to others particularly our loved ones, but continue to show our love, and concern and our caring for them.

If each of us attending this service today would resolve to do this, then that would be the greatest tribute that could be paid to my sister. 
Thinking Of Janice Today --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

Thinking Of Janice Today --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

Thinking Of Janice Today --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Janice with my brother.

Thinking Of Janice Today --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

Janice and me


  1. What lovely memories your father shared. Your aunt sounds like a wonderful person.


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