Amanuensis Monday: Grandpa Murrell's National Guard Discharge Papers
Okay, it's been a while. I had to take a break to enjoy life. My kids are growing up so fast! Everyone moment I can spend with them really counts these days because before you know it they will be up and out the house. It's been a fun summer so far. Our annual Cape Cod vacation was wonderful. If you missed the pictures, here are the links:
Cape Cod 2018 --Part One:
Cape Cod 2018 --Part Two:
Cape Cod 2018 --Part Three:
This is a genealogy blog though, so it's about time I get back to sharing some family history.
For 86 years old, I think the following papers look pretty good for their age. These are copies of my grandfather Harold Murrell Sr.'s National Guard Discharge Papers.
Cape Cod 2018 --Part One:
Cape Cod 2018 --Part Two:
Cape Cod 2018 --Part Three:
This is a genealogy blog though, so it's about time I get back to sharing some family history.
For 86 years old, I think the following papers look pretty good for their age. These are copies of my grandfather Harold Murrell Sr.'s National Guard Discharge Papers.
National Guard of the United States
and of the State of New York
To all whom it may concern:
This is to certify, that Harold Murrell, Private First Class Co. "I" 369th Inf. National Guard as a testimonial of honest and faithful service is hereby honorably discharged from the National Guard of the United States and of the State of New York by reason of Expiration Term of Service
said Harold Murrell was born in Barbados, in the state of BWI.
When enlisted he was 25 years of age and by occupation a Painter.
He had brown eyes, black hair, brown complexion, and was 5 feet 7 inches in height.
Given under my hand at New York, New York this 1st day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two.
Colonel 369th Infantry
Enlistment Record
Name: Harold Murrell Grade: P.F.C.
Enlisted April 2, 1929 at New York, New York
*In the service of the United States, under call of the President, from -------------to -------------
Serving in First enlistment period at date of discharge.
Prior service:
Noncommissioned officer:--------------------------------------------------
Marksmanship, gunner qualification or rating: marksman (rifle)expert (bayonnet)
Battles, engagements, skirmishes, expeditions:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Knowledge of any vocation: Printer
Wounds received in service:-----------------------------------------------
Physical condition when discharged: Good Typhoid prophylaxis completed 3/28/29
Paratyphoid prophylaxis completed 3/28/29
Married or single: Single
Character: Excellent
Signature of soldier: Harold Murrell
Harry Miller
Capt 369th Infantry
Commanding Co "I"
You can see pictures of my paternal grandfather in his uniform in this post:
Military and Mappy Monday: Harold Murrell's National Guard Enlistment Card
You can see pictures of my paternal grandfather in his uniform in this post:
Military and Mappy Monday: Harold Murrell's National Guard Enlistment Card
What a great document!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kristin!