Friday Funny: My Daughter Enjoying Her Dollar Store Glasses

Last night was a bit rough in the land of parenting. It was one of those nights when your child struggles with a cold. They call out in the middle of the night, numerous times for the comfort of mommy. So mommy and my ladybug were not feeling our best this morning. She was not too keen on the idea of going to school today but off she went because it really was just a case of the sniffles and nothing else. On the days my kids have struggles I like to find a little goody from the Dollar Store that will make their day. Today it was googly eye glasses that I presented to her after she got off the bus. 



  1. I love it!!!! She is cute and funny all at the same time. Hope she is feeling much better, and you too mommy!!!

    1. Thanks Yvette. She is such a clown :) Mommy and daughter actually slept pretty well last night. Thank goodness.

  2. feel better, little one. and i love your dollar store solution!

  3. A great idea! I love that the small things can make such a big difference.

    1. Little things can especially mean a lot for little ones :)

  4. Just dropped by. This is too cute. Liked your "Happy Dance Moment" article as well. I had one of those a couple of days ago when I broke through a collateral line and spoke with a living descendant on that line for the first time.


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