This Is Why I Love Genealogy People!

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If you missed my post called Don't Forget Those Alternate Spellings! More From My Ellisons and Bryants, you may want to read that one first, including the comments.

I have to send a special thank you out to fellow blogger, Patrick Jones of  "Frequent Traveler Ancestry" for his random act of genealogical kindness he shared with me in a comment on the above mentioned blog post. Here's what he said:

Do you have access to Irwin Ellerson appears in Company H, 36th Colored Infantry (filed as Irvin Ellerson). Enlisted on 5 June 1863. Brother James Ellison was also in the 36th Colored Infantry as a drummer (he was 16). There is also a Joshua Ellison (age 19) in the 36th. All three of them mustered out of service in Texas in 1866. Joshua's file contains his enlistment papers. 

There is a Civil War pension on file for Joshua Ellison and one for Irwin Ellerson, both from same company. My experience from other pension files is that they are a genealogical gold mine.

That's why I love genealogy people. I say genealogy people because I want to include everyone with an interest in the field. Those who are into genealogy just have this natural born curiosity that won't be denied. They want to know answers and they love helping others who are also in search of their ancestors. Thank you again Patrick for your help!

So I have been reviewing information that I had already collected regarding the Ellisons. I went  back on, Fold3, and  and Bam! I have some updates.

I have already put in an order for the Civil War pension file of Irvin Ellison at the National Archives. According to the National Archives website, it will take 42-120 calendar days to receive the file. I can't wait to get it, but I'll have to be patient. 

Today, I found a record collection on that I never looked at before. As a result, something amazing was revealed to me about my 4th great grandfather Benjamin Ellison. I know who owned him prior to the start of the Civil War. Just an example of why we need to continuously go back and review what has been researched. Sometimes, things are missed. Plus, the more you do something, the better you get at it and this certainly applies to doing research.

So who owned Benjamin Ellison?

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To be continued.....


  1. Can't wait!! You are moving right along!! Good looking out Patrick


  2. Thanks Andrea. It was really no problem at all. I think you're going to find a lot of amazing information on this search. Here's another pointer to a source. If you haven't seen this book, there is a history on the 36th US Colored Infantry you may find very fascinating: This may be available through your library too.

    Happy to help, and looking forward to seeing where these stories take you.

  3. You are so good with the cliff hangers!

  4. I requested my one and only (so far) pension record last year and had it in my hands in just over a month. I hope you get yours quickly - the waiting is excruciating!


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