In The Meantime, Let Me Get Down To The Transcribing.
In my last post regarding my Sampson County kin, 52 Ancestors 2015 Edition: #17 Gabriel Kerr --Putting Together The Pieces Of His Story, I had come across a newspaper article that discussed briefly the illnesses suffered by individuals in the black community of Lisbon township and how "some fifteen deaths had occurred in close succession." The article was from the Semi-weekly Messenger dated April 30, 1896. I suspect this is how and when a number of folks from my Kerr family line may have died including my 2nd great grand uncle, Gabriel Kerr. I was hopeful that there would be some other mention of this in newspapers of the time or perhaps an obituary for one or more who died. No such luck. Darn. I will keep looking though. In the meantime I have a bunch of deeds that need transcribing, so no better time than the present to get started.
This deed is regarding land Gabriel Kerr purchased from Edward Rich on March 20, 1873. This was just 14 days after Gabe and his father Jacob were issued a deed for quite a large section of land in Sampson County, NC that I featured in my post Jacob and Gabe Kerr Purchase Land.
Image courtesy of the Sampson County Register of Deeds
Edward Rich To Gabriel Kerr
State of North Carolina Sampson County
This Indenture made this the 20th day of March 1873 between Edward Rich wife Teracy of the first part and Gabriel Kerr of the second part Edward Rich of the County of Bladen and Gabriel Kerr of the County of Sampson. Witnesseth, That the said Edward Rich wife for said in consideration of the sum four hundred and ninety eight and a half dollars to them in hand paid by the said Gabriel Kerr for three pieces of land in the County of Sampson. First piece beginning at a Cypress on the bank of South River at the mouth of a branch & runs up said branch to Isom Rich line then with the branch line S 38 E 87 poles to a pine thence S 51 West 102 poles to the bank of the said river thence up the river as it meanders to the beginning.
Containing 45 acres and a half. Beginning at a stake in the middle of long branch the Beg Corner of a 129 acre grant of Isham Rich thence running the last line of said survey with the meanders of said branch 36 ch to a south courner & goes pointes on the east edge of said branch in being the Last Corner of said 129 acre survey thence N 62 W 36 1/2 ch to a pine corner on the north side of an old field formerly owned by Smith thence N 113 E 37 1/2 chs to the main road thence with the road S 60 E 2 1/2 chs thence with the road S 5 1/2 E 2 1/2 chs thenc with the road South 65 1/2 E 14 chs then with the road S 36 1/2 E 4 1/2 chs to a pine stump on the inside of Watkins field in the Corner of his fence thence S 84 W 3 1/2 chs to the Beg. Containing one hundred twenty five acres of land
Third Piece Beg at a beach green corner & green pointes on the East edge of the long branch it being the last Corner of the 129 acre Survey granted Isham Rich and runs south with the last line of that Survey running S 62 E 21 3/4 chs to a stake in that line thence N 25 E 36 chs to a stake in the first line of the 129 acre survey thence with that line west 17 chs 35 chs to a stake in the run of long branch it being the Beg. Corner of said 129 acre Survey thence down the long branch as is it meanders to the beginning containing sixty acres four acres in the boundary exempted called the Watkins land & I receive pay for fifty six acres in this boundary me Edward Rich wife Tearcey have this day bargained sold & conveyed the above
Edward X Rich Seal
Test Albert Rich her
John Cain Tearacy X Rich Seal
North Carolina Sampson County
I Robert Cain Justice of the Peace do hereby certify that Edward Rich wife Terracy Rich of Bladen County said state personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the annexed deed of land of the said Tearacy Rich being by me privately examined separate and apart from her said husband to making her voluntary execution of the same doth state that she signed the same fully and voluntarily without fear or compulsion of her said husband or any other person and that she doth still voluntarily assent thereto Witness my hand and private seal This 23 day of May 1889
Robert Cain JP Seal
North Carolina Sampson County,
The foregoing certificate of Robert Cain a Justice of the Peace of Sampson County is adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument and the certificates be registered This September 14th, 1889
Registered September 30th, 1889 O. G. Herring Regr. J D Bizzell ofc
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