Two Children Purchased for $500.00

If you missed my last post, here's the link:  What A Great Resource! Slave Deeds Index At The New Hanover County Register Of Deeds. Reading that post will help with understanding this one.

Two Children Purchased for $500.00 --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

As a parent, you spend so much time holding the hands of your children. I remember when my kids were babies I used to stare at their little hands and feet in amazement. Everything worked the same as mine, their parts were just smaller of course. I saw this picture of a child's hand and it made me think of the anguishing moments before my 3rd great grandfather Jacob Kerr's mother had her son taken from her to be sold off. Perhaps the other child documented on this bill of sale was hers as well. If she knew what was coming, she'd pore over every last detail of their faces and bodies. She would remember them. The memory of them is all she would be left with. She'd absorb all she could in those last moments and then they'd be taken. 

Two Children Purchased for $500.00 --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Image courtesy of the New Hanover County Register of Deeds. 

John Herring 
James Kerr

Know all men by this presents that I John Herring of New Hanover County and State of North Carolina have this day bargained and sold unto James Kerr of the County of New Hanover and State afrd. (abbreviation of aforementioned) A certain Black Girl & Child named Bur and Jacob for the sum of five hundred dollars which said girl and child I warrant to be free of any boddy defect or infirmity to my knowledge and I hereby make will all my rights title entrust property and claim of the above named Bur and Jacob unto this said James Kerr his heirs executors and assigns for the performance of which and have my self my heirs executors administrators and assigns to warrant and defend the said negro girl and boy unto the said James Kerr as witness my hand and seal this the 28th of February (?) 1822 John Herring {Seal}
John Kerr           // State of North Carolina  {May term of 
James M Caleb     New Hanover County                {County Court 1823
                              The execution of this bill of sale was proved by 
James Kerr I who ending witness & ordered to be registered
Registered June 7th, 1828             Witness Thomas H Davis Clk
                                   Wm Smith   Regs


  1. Sadness and rage in equal measure.

  2. Good to have the information and so heartbreaking to actually read the record of what you knew.


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