Dad's 1st Grade Class

Will you take a look at this bright eyed young man. 

My Dad.

Can you say adorable! 

PS 124 Class 1-7
Bronx, NY

I've started scanning a ton of pictures that were my dad's. It's strange saying "were." It's part of the new normal I guess.Well anyway, here's one of Harold E. Murrell's first grade class. He went to PS 124 in the Bronx. Here it is on Google Maps.

Dad's 1st Grade Class --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Image courtesy of Google Maps.

At the time, my dad was living at 970 Tinton Ave in the Bronx. You can see from the map that the school was just a couple of blocks away from his home.


  1. Yes it appears to be only a couple of blocks, but all parents have the story that they had to walk a mile to school both ways each day so it was probably a lot farther then. Only kidding.

    1. Hey I use that line with my kids still. That I had to walk a mile to school up hill both ways. Sometimes with only one shoe. :)

  2. He's so cute! It was good when schools were close to where the kids lived and they could walk to and from school. Even if it was uphill both ways and barefoot.


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