52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks 2019 Edition: Week 4 --I'd Like To Meet Frederica Augusta Inniss Murrell

If you are new to the 52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks Challenge, be sure to check out Amy Johnson Crow's website for more information. Here's the link:   https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/52-ancestors-in-52-weeks/

Week 4: I'd Like to Meet
Which ancestor would you most like to meet? 

I'd like to meet Frederica Augusta Inniss Murrell. Who was she and why would I like to meet her? Well she was my paternal great grandmother. She was born in St Philip Parish, Barbados probably sometime around 1870. She was the mother of my grandfather Harold Osmond Fitzherbert Murrell. My grandfather was a very sweet gentle spirit and I am truly blessed to have known him. I imagine that some of that sweetness he must have inherited from his mother. I would love to ask her questions about her own childhood but of greater interest to me would be to learn more about her connection to her son. 

52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks 2019 Edition:  Week 4 --I'd Like To Meet Frederica Augusta Inniss Murrell --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

Lastly, I could then figure out for certain if this portrait that I inherited last year is of her. You can read about how I came by this picture here.


  1. Isn't it frustrating to find pictures and be almost certain who it is, but not quite sure!


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