I'm Back.....New Stuff Is Coming!

Well, it is late and I am weary, but I felt the need to write a quick post before going to bed. The family and I just returned from Pass-A-Grille, Florida. It was absolutely beautiful there. Great weather and great people we met everyday that we were there. Feeling blessed that my husband and I were able to have the opportunity to go with our young children to such a beautiful place. I have to say going on vacation, definitely recharged my engines. I feel ready to write and ready to share new things that have come to light on my genealogy journey. So give me a good night's rest and a chance to get my kids off to school in the morning and maybe a grocery shop in too and then I will be ready to share some new info with everyone out there in the blogosphere. Here are a few pictures from our recent vacation.

Yes, those are my feet, doing what they do best...relaxing.

My sweet dear hubby.

Me searching for the best pose and lighting possible. 

My daughter and son.

Another image of my daughter and son caught at sunset.

Just one of many beautiful sunsets we captured while on vacation.


  1. Glad you had a great time, and loved your photos.

    1. Thanks Claudia. Yes we indeed had a wonderful time. Have to save up our pennies to see if we can go back again next year.

  2. My perfect vacation place is the ocean. The photos look like a wonderful time was had by all.


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