Amanuensis Monday: Not My Henry Bryant's Civil War Pension File --Part One:

During my guest spot on Bernice Bennett's blog talk radio show, Research at the National Archives & Beyond, "Sharing Your Genealogy Research Through Blogging!", a caller named Michael Henderson, brought to light a very good point during the show. If you missed the show here is the link.

Michael was interested in knowing what the guests of the show did with information that they came across while researching, that wasn't related to their specific research on their own ancestors. He asked, "What do you do with that information?" I thought this was an excellent point that he brought up and it was a reminder to myself that as a researcher and a blogger, I have a responsibility to assist others as well. If you are into genealogy, you know the kindness that comes from other genealogists. Michael's question reminded me of something that I have had in my own possession since last Fall that I quickly figured out didn't involve one of my own ancestors.  So I've decided to post over the next several Monday's excerpts of a Civil War pension file for a Henry Bryan of Beaufort County, NC. I ordered this record initially thinking that this might be a record regarding my 3rd great grandfather Henry Bryant who resided in Beaufort, Carteret, NC according to the 1870 census and who later moved on to Morehead City. This information is not regarding my ancestor, but it may help someone else on their research journey.

Henry Bryan Civil War Pension File. Application# 1095336, Cert # 827060
I ordered from the National Archives last Fall.

Declaration for Invalid Pension.

Act of June 27, 1890

Note --This can be executed before any officer authorized to administer oaths for general purposes. If such officer uses a seal, certificate of Clerk of Court is not necessary. If no seal is used, then such certificate must be attached.

State of North Carolina, County of Beaufort, SS: On this 28 day of July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety two personally appeared before me, a U.S. Commissioner for the Eastern district of NC within and for the County and State aforesaid, Henry Bryan aged 52 years, a resident of the town of Washington County of Beaufort, State of North Carolina, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Henry Bryan who was enrolled on the 14th day of Sept, 1864, in company K. 37th Regiment U.S.C.T. Vols and did not service in any other military or Naval service of the U.S. in the war of the rebellion, and served at least ninety days, and was Honorably Dishcharged at Raleigh N.C., on the 11th day of Feb, 1867. That he is now unable to earn a support by manual labor by reason of partly loss of eye sight and rheumatism of the left eye and the right. High knee rheumatism which prevented him from manual labor for firm or sick years 5 or 6 his eye have been fail the rheumatism about 10 years.

That said disabilities are not due to his vicious habits, and are to the best of his knowledge and belief permanent. That he has not applied for pension under application No. ______________. That he is a pensioner under Certificate No.____________.

That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension-roll of the United States under the provisions of the Act of June 27, 1890. He hereby appoints M. Smoovy of Washington Beaufort Co. N.C. his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim, and he directs that the sum of ten dollars be paid to said attorney.

That his post office address is P.O. Box 17 - Washington
County of Beaufort State of North Carolina

Otway Brimley                                                             Henry X Bryan
E.E. Harding                                                               (Signature of Claimant.)  
(Two witnesses who can write, sign here.)

General Affidavit

State of North Carolina, County of Beaufort, SS:
     In the matter of Henry Bryant (Lali?) Private Company K. 37th Regiment- U.S.C. Vols. on this  30th day of May, A.D. 1892, personally appeared before me a U.S. Commisioner for Eastern District of N.C. in and for aforesaid County duly authorized to administer oaths of Henry Bryant aged 53 years, a resident of Washington in the County of Beaufort and State of North Carolina well known to me to reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

     I enlisted on the 11th day of Sept 1864 at New Berne N.C. in Company K. 37th Regiment - U.S.C.T. Vols. for 3 years and was discharged on the 11th day of Feb 1867 -at Raleigh N.C. I further state that I have not served in any other military or Naval service before or since my discharge on the 11th day of Feb 1867 at Raleigh N.C. therefore I am able to state the fact in my case for pension as aforesaid -I further state that I served in the war of 1861--1866 as states above faithful and above my duty as a soldier - and was discharged. I have complied with the call (word unclear)

Post-Office address is Washington, N.C. further declare that _______no interest in said {case and ______ not concerned in its prosecution.

Leroy Barrow                                                                        his
G (name?) Moore                                                       Henry  X Bryant
{If Affiants sign by mark, two persons who write signs here.}                       mark
                                                                                   {Signature of Affiants.}


  1. Hi Andrea. Thanks for sharing. How did you know this was not your ancestor?

  2. Hi Ginger. Thanks for stopping by. I realized that this information wasn't regarding my ancestor once I realized he wasn't married and resided in Beaufort county, NC and not Beaufort, Carteret, NC. Oh well I took a chance. I had such great luck with my ancestor Augustus Whitney's pension file so I may have been overly eager.


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