Do You Ever Get That Feeling That Something Is Bubbling Behind The Scenes?

Something's bubbling. I don't know what, but genealogy-wise, something is definitely bubbling behind the scenes. Too many recent phone calls and emails have me wondering right now, what is about to unfold. I am in the moment of waiting..when you know something is percolating...but you just have to wait and see how things unfold. Excited but I wish I knew what was coming.

This moment I am in, is what I live for. I am waiting for the reveal. Thank you in advance for those who have been helping me...guiding me in the right direction. You know who you are and I want to reiterate that I will only reveal what is agreed upon. If you don't want me to talk about you, I won't. I am in the place of just wanting to know. Wanting to know so badly what is about to be revealed. Hopefully, I will have news for readers in the next week. For right now...I am so gloriously waiting....just waiting.

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  1. Oh yes... indeed I do and so often the "bubbling" is going on without me even getting a sense of something happening until it presents itself. Always then it is something to take your breath away and full of delight.
    In love and harmony, Catherine

    1. I am glad to see others get that feeling as well. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Great picture to go with the post! Can't wait for the curtain to rise!

    1. Thanks Kristin. Things are still unfolding. I hope to post about it this week. We'll see. :)


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