I Had An "I'm A Dummy Moment"

I Had An "I'm A Dummy Moment" --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

I had to share this "I'm a dummy moment" with you. If you have been following my blog as of late, you know I have been working on my Kerr line from Sampson County, NC. I have been doing all sorts of reading on Sampson County history, reviewing land maps, and figuring out how all these Kerrs from Franklin Township in Sampson County were connected. I kept going back to the Sampson County Register of Deeds Online portal and staring at the index page I pulled up for surname Kerr and knew that there was something I wasn't seeing. I know my Kerr ancestors must have been shouting at me as I stared at the computer screen. They were probably saying, "It's right there...just click that dang button already." I just wasn't seeing it, that is until the other night. 

Let me explain. First, if you happen to have any ancestors of your own who came from Sampson County, NC you should take yourself over to the following link:  Sampson County Register Of Deeds Remote Access Site

Once you go there you will see a screen that looks like this:

Click on where it says "Acknowledge Disclaimer 
to Begin Searching Records"

For older records, go to "Scanned Index Books (Imaged Index)" 
and click on that.

When this screen comes up, click on the drop down window and choose the date range you wish to search. For this example I chose "2-Land (Inception of County--1977)" After you make your selection, click on where it says "Next."

A "Sub-Type" drop down window will appear. 
You can choose whether you want to search by "1-Grantor, 2-Grantee or 3-Trustee (Grantee)." For this example, I chose "1-Grantor." Then click "Next"

"Select Year Range" window pops up. For this example, I used "Inception of County -1940." Then click "Next."

"Input Name" field will come up. There's only one
 choice for this first drop down window and that's "Human/Corporation." The field that pops up just
 to the right of that is where you type in the 
name you wish to research. This is where 
I typed in "Kerr." Then click on "Search."

So this is what comes up.  If you look at the left side 
of the screen you will see a listing of surnames. I have "Kerr" 
noted with the red arrow. Click on the surname 
you are looking for. I clicked on "Kerr."

This takes you to an index page for those with the surname Kerr. 
I have noted with the red arrow where I found the listing 
for my 3rd great grandfather Jacob Kerr and his son Gabe Kerr. 
The yellow arrow is next to the book number and page number the deed can be found in. 

Once you have the book number and page page number,
 you type in that information up where it says "View Image."
 Then you click on "View."

This is when the "Document View Page" comes up. This allows you to see scanned copy of the deed you chose. This page can be maximized so you can view the deed in full screen.

Once you've maximized this window, you can scroll 
down the document. I've noted on the left with a red arrow 
where you can find the "Previous Page" and "Next Page" buttons. This comes in handy when the deed you are looking at continues on to the next page. 

So finally, I get to my "I'm A Dummy Moment." I think I chalk this up to the fact that I was so happy to find my 3rd great grandfather's deed that it temporarily shut down part of my other brain functions.

For some reason, it never dawned on me that there was more than one index page of Kerrs. I'll try to explain this further using one of my earlier screen shots.

Somehow I missed this area on the left on my earlier perusals.

That's right Page 1 of 14.

For now, let's just say I have a few more deeds I need to transcribe.
A few of these deeds involve my 3rd great grandfather Jacob Kerr. Then there are a few that involve a couple of Jacob Kerr's sons. At least for a while, it looks like these Kerrs will be keeping me busy. 

To be continued...

**All screen shots were courtesy of  the Sampson County Register of Deeds Remote Access Site.


  1. Wow! That is great. I wish I had such an opportunity for Lowndes County, AL.

  2. Andrea,

    I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2015/04/follow-friday-fab-finds-for-april-17.html

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Jana! You have a wonderful weekend as well. :)


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