Proud Of Our Boy!

On Friday, I was taking a break from doing housework when I looked down at my phone and saw the number for my children's school flash on screen. I thought to myself, "Oh no. Someone's sick." Not the case at all. My son was on the line. His teacher had let him use the phone to call. Apparently, it had completely slipped his mind to tell us that he was going to be awarded student of the month at Friday's assembly. Thankfully, his father and I were able to make it up to the school in time to see him get his award. 

Love the expressions on my husband's and daughter's faces here.
Dad's like, "That's my boy!!" She's like, "Yeah,whatever."

Everyone was genuinely happy and proud of our boy.


  1. How wonderful. You are doing such a good job with those beautiful children!

    1. Thanks so much! Feeling blessed to have these wonderful people in our lives.

  2. Congratulations to your son. Keep up the good work.

  3. Most Excellent! Congratulations Noah!


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