Those Places Thursday: Old Brunswick County Courthouse --Where Thomas Duke Harrison Married Lizzie Hynes

Location of Old Brunswick County Courthouse.
Old courthouse is now Southport's City Hall
Image courtesy of Google Maps.

Old Brunswick County Courthouse, Davis and Moore Sts. Southport, NC
Author:  BSLRed. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

In my post 52 Ancestors 2015 Edition: #42 Thomas Duke Harrison --Makes Me Proud!, I featured the marriage certificate of my 2nd great grandfather Thomas Duke Harrison to his first wife Lizzie Hynes.  The pair were married on September 2, 1881 at the old courthouse in Smithville, NC. The town of Smithville was later renamed Southport. That courthouse building where the wedding took place is featured above. The building served as the Brunswick County Courthouse from 1854-1978. It is now used as Southport's City Hall.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by,Wayne! I enjoy traveling to ancestral places via the internet.

  2. I enjoyed! love old courthouses and his military photo. I always think of my Grandma Mary Haynes when you write about Lizzie.


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