Some Things I've Learned Along The Way --Part One:

I went into blogging blind. I started off just wanting to document and share the things I learned about my ancestors. The words and stories I hoped would find those who needed them. My hope was and still is that this information will help fortify the spirits of my children and that they may be able to pass it forward. So I went forward and put words to paper or shall I say cyber-paper and started this journey.

Some Things I've Learned Along The Way --Part One:  --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

1) Start blogging! 

One of my husbands favorite sayings is, "Do nothing...nothing happens. Do something...something happens." Blogging is that something that you should do if you are into family history. It will take you places. It will take your words ...those things you know about your family and will electronically deliver them to the people who are seeking it.  It may take some time. Be patient. They will find you.

Find me they did. It started with the support of a wonderful online community of fellow family historians and bloggers. From the beginning, people would leave me words of encouragement in the comments of my blog.  I noticed my pageviews were rising. Then my very first cousin connection happened. A cousin found me because of the words and pictures I put forth into cyberspace. I wrote about that connection in February 2012. Here are the links to those posts.

Thankful Thursday: Thank Goodness I Began My Blog --Part one

Thank Goodness I Began My Blog --Part two.

Thank Goodness I Began My Blog --Part three

For some time now, I've been wanting to write an update to this series. Since that initial writing, I've connected with more cousins and have learned some valuable lessons along the way. 

2) Be optimistic, but don't forget about reality.

So you're probably saying now, "What does that mean?" It means that I went into this whole cousin connection thing with rose colored glasses on. The thought of finding family half way around the world was very exciting. I was happy that the information I had provided had helped someone. Time went by and my cousin Rudi and I kept in touch via email. We shared words of encouragement and wish each other well.  Life went on. Then last summer something happened that reminded me that the relationships we have with our family members are often complex.

One cannot simply describe things as black or white. More often than not we find grey.

Some Things I've Learned Along The Way --Part One: --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

To be continued....


  1. Replies
    1. I love you too, Bonnie. Glad our paths crossed, cousin :)

  2. You did it again! Continuing just at a very exciting part. I will return.

    1. Thanks for following, Kristin! I hope to get the next part out today or tomorrow :)

    2. Thanks for following, Kristin! I hope to get the next part out today or tomorrow :)


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