Some Things I've Learned Along The Way --Part Two

Some Things I've Learned Along The Way --Part Two  --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

If you happened to miss part one, here's the link:  Some Things I've Learned Along The Way --Part One

3) Don't Make Assumptions

When I initially connected with my cousin Rudi back in 2011, he told me that he had two children. According to Rudi, the relationship between he and his children was a bit estranged. Even with that being the case I thought for certain he would share with his kids that he made contact with an American cousin . At last, he had a picture of his father, their grandfather Rudulph Henry Harrison. There was a picture of Rudolph's parents Carrie Whitney Harrison and John Thomas Harrison. They all could know a little bit more about their roots.

Imagine how surprised I was when I received this message on Facebook from Rudi's son last July.


My name is Lee Moss. For many years I have been trying to find my grandfather who was based in England in the 1950's. His name was Rudolph Henry Harrison. My ex wife found your blog with your family information on it and it states that Rudolph Henry Harrison died when he was 36. My ex wife knew that you were related as you have a picture of my dad and his wife from Ireland. This is still a bit of a shock to me at the moment as we spent a long time trying to find him. My dads name is Rudi Moss. But before it was Moss his name would of been Harrison. Anyway. Hope you are all ok. Thank you. Lee

I was of course glad to have made another cousin connection. After reading the message though, I realized the error in my ways. I made an assumption. Actually, I made a couple of assumptions. It's something I regret but you live and you learn. I assumed that any cousins who would reach out and contact me as a result of finding my blog would have picture perfect families of their own. Everyone got along with everyone.  Folks would communicate and share information freely with one another. Naive, right?!

I guess you could say I stumbled upon something that I wasn't prepared for? How would things work out?

Some Things I've Learned Along The Way --Part Two --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

To be continued....


  1. Nooooo! I have to wait for the rest of the story again! :) I like that snow picture in the woods too.

  2. Thanks for bearing with me. I have only had a little time here and there to do something writing so for now, I will be doing a few cliffhangers.

  3. Hate waiting! But I think it will be an interesting story and that will make it worth it

    1. Thanks for following. Trying to write during breaks in a family trip. Hopefully I can get the next installment out today or tomorrow.

  4. Wow! I can't wait for the next installment.


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