52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2019 Edition --Week 6: Surprise! They Had Another Child.
If you are new to the 52 Ancestors In 52 Weeks Challenge, be sure to check out Amy Johnson Crow's website for more information. Here's the link: https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/52-ancestors-in-52-weeks/
Week 6: Surprise
What is something surprising that you've found in your research? What is a surprise that one of your ancestor's had? Have you found something in a surprising place?
Back in May of 2016, I was surprised to discover another child of my maternal 3rd great grandparents Cesar and Mary Jones. His name was Carolina Hauckins. He was born February 23, 1844 in Onslow County, NC enslaved to a man who's surname was "Hauckins or Hawkins" You can read more about how I discovered Carolina in these posts:
Carline, Are You Mine?
His Name was Carolina Hauckins -- Part One
His Name Was Carolina Hauckins --Part Two
His Name Was Carolina Hauckins --Part Three
Finding Carolina, reminded me that in any family that there are children that move away from where a family originated. Some of these children may be discovered at a later point in time if they leave behind clues. Some, may never be discovered.
This is so true! And then there are those who are born and die between censuses and leave no family memories.