Carline, Are You Mine?

Carline, Are You Mine? --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

Carline, are you mine? That's a questions I've been toying around with lately. Wait. Hold on a minute? Who is Carline? 

Carline Hawkins may just happen to be another son of my maternal 3rd great grandparents Cesar Jones and Mary H Mitchel of Morehead City, NC. If you missed my posts about Cesar and Mary, here are the links so that you can get acquainted with them. 

52 Ancestors: Week #6 --Cesar Jones

52 Ancestors: Week #7 --Mary H Mitchel Jones

Amanuensis Monday: The Will Of Mary Mitchel Jones

A couple a years ago, I came across an entry in's North Carolina, Marriages 1741-2011 database that I thought might have been for my 3rd great grandparents.

Carline, Are You Mine? --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
 Source Information North Carolina, Marriage Records, 1741-2011 [database on-line]. 
Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.Original data: North Carolina County Registers of Deeds. Microfilm. Record Group 048. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC.

This entry shows a Cesar Jones and Mary Hawkins who began their union in 1838. It's common to see when researching your ancestors a marriage that occurs sometime near the birth of a couple's first child. Now if this entry is in fact for my 3rd great grandparents it would kind of make sense because their oldest child Louis Oliver Jones was born in 1838. 

Carline Are You, Mine? --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Source Information North Carolina, Death Certificates, 1909-1976 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007. Original data: North Carolina State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics. North Carolina Death Certificates. Microfilm S.123. Rolls 19-242, 280, 313-682, 1040-1297. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Carline, Are You Mine? --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Source Information North Carolina, Death Certificates, 1909-1976 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007. Original data: North Carolina State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics. North Carolina Death Certificates. Microfilm S.123. Rolls 19-242, 280, 313-682, 1040-1297. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina.

This is the other piece of evidence that leads me to believe that the marriage record I featured earlier in this post is for my 3rd great grandparents. On my 2nd great grandfather Alexander Hamilton Jones's death certificate it lists a Caesar H. Jones and a Mary H. Mitchel as his parents. 

Notice the middle initial here is "H." Perhaps that stood for Hawkins. 

How did Carline come onto the scene, you may be asking about now?  Recently, I reviewed what I knew about my 3rd great grandfather Cesar Jones. I did a new search on and found something rather intriguing. 

Carline, Are You Mine? --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Source Information Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1963 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates, 1906–1963. Series 11.90 (1,905 cartons). Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

This is a death certificate for a "Carolina Hawkins/Hauckins" who died on August 2, 1918 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Carolina's birthplace is listed as "Moorehead City, NC" and his parents are noted as a Cesar Jones and Mary Hauckins. Of course seeing this lead me to doing some more digging on this man known as Carolina or Carline depending on the record. It turns out that Carline was a member of the 37th USCT Company A and he lived long enough to receive a pension!  

You can guess what I've already done. Yes, I ordered a copy of Carline/Carolina's Civil War pension file. Oooh I can't wait to see what else I may discover when that file arrives. I hope to get confirmation that this man was in fact another child of my 3rd great grandparents, Cesar and Mary Jones of Morehead City. 

I'll keep you posted.


  1. Ohhh, now i have to read to see what you found out in that pension!


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