Thank You Bernice!

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So there's a lot going on over here today. First of all, kids are home with me now since school is out for the summer. That nice bit of quiet time I had in the mornings to write is on hiatus until then, so I have to squeeze blogging in around breaking up squabbles over who had what toy first. Housework is calling, but I told him to call back later. Oh yeah there is that little thing called packing to go away on vacation that I kind of put off to the last minute again. Sigh.

Anyway, I wanted to take a moment and thank Bernice Bennett for having me on as a guest for her show Research at the National Archives & Beyond. The title of the show was "Sharing Your Genealogy Research Through Blogging!" and I have included the link here for anyone who missed it.

It was a great show. For anyone who has been on the fence regarding whether they should begin a blog or not, they should give the show a listen. 


  1. I enjoyed hearing how you sound. Good show.

  2. I agree with Kristin. I love your voice...The show was great...and I could hear your passion for blogging!!


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