Wordless Wednesday: Ethel Murrell And Her Grandbabies.

My grandmother Ethel Murrell and my brother.

Grandma and me.


  1. Adorable baby pictures with grandma.

  2. Thanks Yvette. I think of her constantly. Such a sweet lady.

  3. Stunningly beautiful photos of a very happy and proud grandmother. Thanks for sharing... "warms the cockles of my heart" :-)

  4. awwww... looks like you are talking up a storm to your grandmother. Don't you hate the way early color photos turn color?

    1. Hi Kristin. Yes it is a shame how old color photos change color. I noticed the other day the one of me and my grandma had become discolored in the sun and had started to crack in a couple of spots. I quickly scanned it and fixed it up the best I could on photo-shop.

  5. Charming pictures of your grandmother with the grandchildren. Beautiful.


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