Fearless Females --Six Word Memoir Tribute --March 15

Rosa Mitchell Jones
July 17, 1861--October 3, 1931
Maternal 2nd great grandmother

In Celebration of Women's History Month, I am following along with some of the blog prompts provided by Linda Alzo of  The Accidental Genealogist. If you are not aware of her "Fearless Females" Blog Prompts, take some time out and visit her blog.

March 15 — Write a six-word memoir tribute to one of your female ancestors.

Rosa Mitchell Jones:  Landowner, Family Oriented, Intelligent, Strong, Spiritual.

For more about my 2nd great grandmother, you may want to check out the following posts:

So our people owned land...
The audacity to own land.
Keeping up with the Joneses


  1. t is Very good 6 word description. Hard for me use so few words.

    1. Thanks Kristin! It was hard for me to use so few words too.


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