Something About Me Saturday: Another Summer Getaway --Watkins Glen

Thank you dear hubby for taking time off of work so we could take another mini-vacation. This time we overnighted at Watkins Glen, NY, a beautiful village at the southern tip of Seneca Lake.

A view of Seneca Lake from our hotel room.

A closer view of the harbor.

My son at dinner. What a great smile.

Happy husband.

Hmm...What shall I do with this straw?

I know. I'll make a funny face. :)

Follow the leader.

A view from the end of the pier.

The day getting sleepy.


  1. I LOVE Watkins Glen, my sisters, daughter and I spent two days there last summer. First we spent the day at the Wine Tasting at the speedway, we are all over 21. The next morning we got up early and hiked the Watkins Glen Gorge and then went north to Sodus Bay. The best part of it was it was about 95F and my daughters house did not have AC. So we got to spend a few days in the coolness of Air Conditioning.

    Perhaps you and your husband could one day do the Wine Tasting and the hike. A cool day or early in the morning are the best.

    1. We hiked the trail too and it was in the 90's as well so we have something in common. :) Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera. Oh well. We plan on making a trip back at some point. The gorge was absolutely beautiful.

  2. Beautiful and serene, perfect vacation spot..

  3. These pictures make me feel happy. And happy for you! What a wonderful time this summer is for your family. Beautiful.

    1. Thanks Mariann! It has been a wonderful summer. I definitely feel blessed. Hope yours has been good for you as well.


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