December 26th

This conversation with my daughter that took place on December 26th. Keep in mind this happened before I had proper levels of caffeine in my system and while I was still in my bathrobe.

December 26th --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

December 26th --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Yes sweetie.

Can we put together my Lego Dolphin Cruiser?

December 26th --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Uh-okay sweetie.

Daughter quickly runs and retrieves box with the Lego Dolphin Cruiser in it from under the tree. She brings it gleefully into her bedroom.  I get my camera and decide to document the process of putting it together. 

December 26th --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

I open the box and several bags of Lego blocks fall out and not one, but two instruction books.

December 26th --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
What?!! Two instruction books!

That's when I look at the box again and one very important detail sinks in. 

December 26th --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

612 pieces. What have I done?

December 26th --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Daughter laughs maniacally.


  1. The joys of parenting! Love this post!

    1. Yes the joys of parenting. We had fun with it though.

    2. Did you put it together? Let's see the finished product. lol When my children were you I purposely avoided toys like that. I knew I didn't have the patience for it. My hat is off to you.

    3. Yes we did. I will post a pic shortly. Thanks :) My daughter really did the bulk of the work so the accolades definitely go to her.

  2. OH MY!!! I hope you got that Coffee it!!!

    1. Yes...several cups of coffee actually. I was so tired from the day before. We had a good time, just us girls working on it.

  3. Hilarious! it's the same thing over here, we FORGOT the batteries that goes with toys!

    1. Oh no, no batteries. I've done that before. These kids are something these days. They don't know how good they got it.

  4. Goodness, love this post. It was too funny. Every parent can appreciate what you went through.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes Kristin. She completed it. I worked with her on the first 1/2 but she was able to complete the rest on her own. She loves building stuff.

  6. This is the cutest blog post! Haha! Keep up the great work!

    - Suzanne

  7. My niece. EVIL GENIUS in training!!!!!!!!!!! Mhah-hah-hah!!!!!! :-)


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