Something About Me Saturday: My Daughter's Christmas Party

It's been awhile but I thought it was time to do a Something About Me Saturday Post.  Life has been busy as I am sure it has been for most of you out there. This week I had to stop and remind myself to be present this time of year. The hustle and bustle had started to distract me from what's really important and that is to have fun and be open to the moments of joy that only happen this time of year. My daughter's class had a holiday party on Thursday and I caught myself initially saying, "Oh man, do I have to go?" There's all that shopping, wrapping, and cleaning the house I have to do. But I went and it was so worth it. Kids are only kids once right? The rest of that stuff can wait.

My lady bug working on her frosting Christmas tree.

The finished product.

Looking serious with a candy cane she made from beads and a pipe cleaner.

A picture she drew on the outside of her candy goody bag.


  1. You are so right--it's a challenge to be fully present during the chaos of the holiday season, but so worth it, especially when little ones are involved.

  2. Her hair is AMAZING! :) Glad you had fun. Enjoy it, now. They grow up so fast!

    1. Thanks Renate! Sometimes I wish I could just slow down the clock a little. Merry Christmas!

  3. Yes, it is easy to get distracted! Trying to get back into the moment over here right now. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season with your family Kristin. Merry Christmas to you :)

  4. Glad you didn't let that beautiful and talented young one down!! Time does pass very fast and you cannot roll it back. Enjoyed the post/

    1. Thanks Mary Jewell. I am glad you enjoyed. Merry Christmas.

  5. Andrea! she is so cute!!!! I love when you share the kids with us. Merry Christmas! and yes, we all need to be in the moment. I'm trying as well! Love they still do "Stuff" with the pipe cleaners!

    1. Thanks True! Being in the moment is definitely where it is at. Merry Christmas to you!

  6. Merry Christmas dear Andrea! Your little one is adorable. And so very talented! I love her hair, such a perfect combo on her parents. She's beautiful and look like a mini you.


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