The Book Of Me: Prompt 20 --The Feeling Of Home

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link:

Prompt 20: The Feeling of Home

This week’s prompt is The Feeling of Home

Home means different things to different people, so this week we are going to explore what it means to us:

What does it feel like?
How do you recognize it?
What makes it home -people, place, time.

1) What does it feel like?

Here's a list of words that come to mind when I think of the feeling of home:


It's a place where I can be the truest form of myself.

2) How do you recognize it?

You know it in your heart. Your senses know it. Touch, sight, sound, taste and smell are engaged and aware of it.  For example, it could be the loving touch from a parent or the smell and taste of a food cooked from a family recipe that brings about that feeling of home.  

3) What makes it home --people, place, time.

For me, home is about the people I am with.  Home is where my husband is. It is a place where I am greeted by warm snuggles and giggles from my children.  It is also any time or space I can share with my parents and brother.  They are my connection to my childhood. They are my bridge from then to now. I feel at home when I am laughing and hanging out with my best friend. Lastly, there is that far away place called home that houses all the memories of people who have passed away. I miss them. I miss them all. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, and a few cousins are there. The music playing in the background is from the late 1970's. The aromas in the kitchen are calling my name.  There are loud grown up voices telling stories about things that I don't fully understand yet mixed in with lots of laughter.  High tech means having rabbit ears for your television set. Somewhere in that house there is a rotary phone. There's no internet, iphone, or ipad. There's just I or me rather and all those memories that I wish sometimes weren't just memories. That they were a place that I could go to. Then I remember that their home is in me. All I have to do is remember.


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