Not So Wordless Wednesday: Another Great Google Find!

A couple of months back and on a whim I did a Google search on one of my maternal grandmother's sisters, Loris Bryant Gwyn Helton. She grew up in Morehead City, NC but subsequently married and moved to the city of Mt Airy, the birthplace of her first husband Luther Lee Gwyn. I remember my Aunt Loris well from my childhood. She would come to visit New York in the summertime and stayed with her sister/my aunt Rosa Bryant Sanders. I loved going over to see her and would always greet her with a hug and a kiss after she'd ask me "to give her some sugar."

Anyway, I struck gold after putting in the search terms "Loris Gwyn" and "Mt Airy"on Google. After scanning through the results that popped up, here's what I found and yes you know I quickly went to Amazon and purchased a copy of the book right afterwards. (Smile)

Image courtesy of the book, Around Surry County, by Evelyn Scales Thompson, PhD, page 87.

And this lovely lady pictured on the far right in the first row is my Aunt Loris!

Image courtesy of the book, Around Surry County, by Evelyn Scales Thompson, PhD, page 87.

I vaguely recalled my mother mentioning at some point during one of our many conversations about family, that Aunt Loris had become a teacher just like her mother Ophelia Bryant.  Seeing this picture of Aunt Loris in her youth and in her profession is just wonderful to me. Now I have an image that goes along with that conversation my mother and I had. Thank you Google!

I decided to post this now because I have recently connected with a cousin, who's mother was supposed to have been named after my Aunt Loris. The story goes that when my cousin's mother was born someone at the hospital heard Lois instead of Loris and so her mom's name was actually Lois. Anyway, the above pictures are a shout out to my cousin Lisa. Here's the lady, your mom was named after. :)

On a side note, something cool happened last night while I was putting together this post. I sat down with my laptop and the book Around Surry County to begin work. When I flipped open the book it opened up to a page which had this picture on it. 

Robert and Ida McCarther

This excerpt is from page 34.

This picture was taken in 1945 for their youngest son, Nathaniel, who was serving in the military in Calcutta, India. Robert McCarther and Ida Frazier married and began their life together in Chestnut Ridge c. 1899. They developed a 93-acre farm. Their descendants celebrated the home and farmland as a historical site in 2003. (Courtesy Nathanie McArthur)

What makes this interesting is that my Aunt Loris's daughter, Melba Gwyn, married a grandson of this couple. Perhaps it wasn't so random that the book opened up to this page. Hmm. 


  1. Amazing finds! It's like serendipity.

  2. Love those Google finds that turn up so much unexpected information!

  3. Andrea,

    I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at

    Have a wonderful weekend!


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