Not So Wordless Wednesday: Newspaper Clippings Of "The Great Fire Of New Bern"

On my post Sentimental Sunday: I Have Now Lived Longer Than My Great Grandmother Carrie, I mentioned how incredibly strong my great grandmother Carrie must have been during the tragedy of the "Great Fire of New Bern." She had just given birth to her son George Augustus Harrison on November 28, 1922. The fire took place on December 2, 1922. My great grandparents, their 5 young children, Carrie's brother Samuel David, and her mother Sarah Harris Whitney lost their home.

My great grandparents John and Carrie Harrison 
owned 10 Brown's Alley (now known as 709 Hatties Lane.)
 Arrow notes approximate location of the property.

Images are from  The New Bern Sun Journal, December 5, 1922, Tue, Page 3


  1. How horrible and the weather must have been cold already. I wonder what they did next. Great use of newspaper items to set the stage for your family.

    1. Thanks Kristen! Yes Kristen, I can't even imagine how hard it must have been and with little ones especially to take care of. Thank goodness they made it though.

  2. Great post! A blessing that they escaped.


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