Friday Faces From The Past: Janice Murrell's Confirmation Day

Friday Faces From The Past:  Janice Murrell's Confirmation Day --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Janice Murrell is standing in the second row, last one on the right.

Friday Faces From The Past:  Janice Murrell's Confirmation Day --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

I was looking through family pictures today that I have saved on my computer and this one spoke to me and so I decided to share it. My dear sweet aunt Janice is featured in this picture on her confirmation day. Janice Murrell was my father's older sister. She was a wonderful lady and I miss her dearly. I know she would have showered my kids with love just as she did for my brother and I when we were little.

For more about my aunt Janice, take a look at these posts:

Remembering My Special Aunt --Janice Murrell

Ethel Murrell and Janice Murrell

Wordless Wednesday: Harold and Janice Murrell

Now back to the topic of the picture. The caption on it reads "Confirmation 1948, Trinity of Episcopal Church Morrisania."

I knew my father's family was living in the Bronx in 1948. My father long ago had told me the street that they lived on was Tinton Ave. I had forgotten the street number but remembered it was on my grandfather's petition for naturalization index card.

Source Information: New York, Index to Petitions for Naturalization filed in New York City, 1792-1989 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2007. Original data: Soundex Index to Petitions for Naturalization filed in Federal, State, and Local Courts located in New York City, 1792-1989. New York, NY, USA: 
The National Archives at New York City.

I like plotting things out on a map. It's a great way to get a sense of where things were in relation to where your ancestors lived.

Images courtesy of Google Images
970 Tinton Ave is noted in red and Trinity Episcopal Church of Morrisania is marked in yellow.

This map shows how close the church was to the Murrell household. It was easily within walking distance of their apartment. 

Image courtesy of Google Maps

Trinity Episcopal Church of Morrisania
698 East 166th Street, Bronx, NY 10456


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